Just for shits and giggles; what has the democratic party (and their forebearers) given the US?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The 3/5ths rule
Chattel Slavery (not to be confused with indentured servitude)
The Civil War
Fort Pillow
The Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow
Chain gangs
Separate but Equal
"Whites Only" anything
America's entry into World War I
The Versailles Treaty (setting up World War II)
Eugenics (forced sterilization and imprisonment for non criminal acts)
and a filibuster to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.

While we're on the subject maybe we should remove the names from government buildings of any and all segregationists and their supporters;

George Wallace
Orval Faubus
William J. Clinton
William J. Fulbright
Albert Gore Senior
Richard Russell
Russell B Long
Lets make a clean sweep of all things considered racist by the left and just start over with
The Samuel L. Jackson Senate building
The Johnny Depp Office complex
The Paris Hilton STD clinic
Oh JD, 0zombie Asses are Puckering as I type...

  • DSK
  • 05-31-2016, 09:46 PM
Pain and misery
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The 3/5ths rule
Chattel Slavery (not to be confused with indentured servitude)
The Civil War
Fort Pillow
The Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow
Chain gangs
Separate but Equal
"Whites Only" anything
America's entry into World War I
The Versailles Treaty (setting up World War II)
Eugenics (forced sterilization and imprisonment for non criminal acts)
and a filibuster to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.

While we're on the subject maybe we should remove the names from government buildings of any and all segregationists and their supporters;

George Wallace
Orval Faubus
William J. Clinton
William J. Fulbright
Albert Gore Senior
Richard Russell
Russell B Long
Lets make a clean sweep of all things considered racist by the left and just start over with
The Samuel L. Jackson Senate building
The Johnny Depp Office complex
The Paris Hilton STD clinic Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They beat Hitler and Tojo
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're so right JDrunk. we should all march lockstep to your drum beat. THen we can deny all progress...cultural, technological and scientific. AND keep the darkies down!

Is there a special bathroom for drunks?

The 3/5ths rule
Chattel Slavery (not to be confused with indentured servitude)
The Civil War
Fort Pillow
The Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow
Chain gangs
Separate but Equal
"Whites Only" anything
America's entry into World War I
The Versailles Treaty (setting up World War II)
Eugenics (forced sterilization and imprisonment for non criminal acts)
and a filibuster to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.

While we're on the subject maybe we should remove the names from government buildings of any and all segregationists and their supporters;

George Wallace
Orval Faubus
William J. Clinton
William J. Fulbright
Albert Gore Senior
Richard Russell
Russell B Long
Lets make a clean sweep of all things considered racist by the left and just start over with
The Samuel L. Jackson Senate building
The Johnny Depp Office complex
The Paris Hilton STD clinic Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Gays / trannies openly serving in the military, fags allowed to "marry ", Black Panther's allowed to intimidate votes at multiple polling locations, Al Sharptounge allowed to skate on back taxes, a Treasury Secretary that was a tax dodger ( Tim Geithner ), a President impeached for lying to Federal investigators over an affair that he " finger wagged " and vehemently denied he'd had to the American people on TV - " I did NOT have sex with THAT woman.... Miz bLewinsky " , a " lying liberal ,long-time criminal power couple " that thinks that the law applies to " others " , a half-breed elected by the Gruberites and gimme-gimmes that screams " racist " at anyone that disagrees with him and won't give him everything that he wants, the same POS disregarding the Constitution -after claiming to be a Constitutional scholar at an institution where he won't release his transcripts. The same POS taking over 1/6th of the American economy and lying to the American people by saying " If you like your medical plan / Doctor, you can keep your plan / Doctor " multiple times. A Secretary of State that uses a private e-mail server to solicit money from foreign governments for donations to HER " foundation " . A Secretary of State that has James Taylor sing " You've got a Friend " to one of America's oldest and strongest allies after a terrorist attack in their country. And the list goes on....
  • DSK
  • 06-01-2016, 09:10 AM
Gays / trannies openly serving in the military, fags allowed to "marry ", Black Panther's allowed to intimidate votes at multiple polling locations, Al Sharptounge allowed to skate on back taxes, a Treasury Secretary that was a tax dodger ( Tim Geithner ), a President impeached for lying to Federal investigators over an affair that he " finger wagged " and vehemently denied he'd had to the American people on TV - " I did NOT have sex with THAT woman.... Miz bLewinsky " , a " lying liberal ,long-time criminal power couple " that thinks that the law applies to " others " , a half-breed elected by the Gruberites and gimme-gimmes that screams " racist " at anyone that disagrees with him and won't give him everything that he wants, the same POS disregarding the Constitution -after claiming to be a Constitutional scholar at an institution where he won't release his transcripts. The same POS taking over 1/6th of the American economy and lying to the American people by saying " If you like your medical plan / Doctor, you can keep your plan / Doctor " multiple times. A Secretary of State that uses a private e-mail server to solicit money from foreign governments for donations to HER " foundation " . A Secretary of State that has James Taylor sing " You've got a Friend " to one of America's oldest and strongest allies after a terrorist attack in their country. And the list goes on.... Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You nailed those motherfuckers again - good job!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing like hosannas from the leading white supremacist on the board. OK, one of them!

I find it interesting that JDrunk routinely villifies the 19th Century democratic party for the racist policies he supports today.

Not to mention fishing for more hosannas from JL!

LMAO @ hypocritical dipshits!
Nothing like hosannas from the leading white supremacist on the board. OK, one of them!

I find it interesting that JDrunk routinely villifies the 19th Century democratic party for the racist policies he supports today.

Not to mention fishing for more hosannas from JL!

LMAO @ hypocritical dipshits! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Crying because it's ALL TRUE, assup piggy mamboolah ?
And don't forget that through Andrew Jackson, they gave us the "Spoils System".
lustylad's Avatar
And lest we forget, Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy and his wonderful " bridge driving " and swimming abilities ! Or U.S. House Representative Hank " Guam's Gonna Fall into the Pacific Ocean " Johnson. Impeached Federal Judge Alcee Hastings who is now a Rep. from Florida. And as a " special " for those lyin libs in Texas, Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis and Leticia " Miss Piggy " van De Putte and their ASS WHIPPING at the polls for Texas Governor ! And Van De Putte's subsequent ass whipping for Mayor of San Antonio !
  • DSK
  • 06-01-2016, 02:41 PM
And lest we forget, Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy and his wonderful " bridge driving " and swimming abilities ! Or U.S. House Representative Hank " Guam's Gonna Fall into the Pacific Ocean " Johnson. Impeached Federal Judge Alcee Hastings who is now a Rep. from Florida. And as a " special " for those lyin libs in Texas, Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis and Leticia " Miss Piggy " van De Putte and their ASS WHIPPING at the polls for Texas Governor ! And Van De Putte's subsequent ass whipping for Mayor of San Antonio ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Worst of all, Miss Piggy wants to restrict women's use of their own bodies - she hates prostitution!!
Worst of all, Miss Piggy wants to restrict women's use of their own bodies - she hates prostitution!! Originally Posted by DSK
After the way she prostituted herself as a State Senator that's rather hypocritical of her. But typical of a lyin liberal !
The 3/5ths rule
Chattel Slavery (not to be confused with indentured servitude)
The Civil War
Fort Pillow
The Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow
Chain gangs
Separate but Equal
"Whites Only" anything
America's entry into World War I
The Versailles Treaty (setting up World War II)
Eugenics (forced sterilization and imprisonment for non criminal acts)
and a filibuster to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.

While we're on the subject maybe we should remove the names from government buildings of any and all segregationists and their supporters;

George Wallace
Orval Faubus
William J. Clinton
William J. Fulbright
Albert Gore Senior
Richard Russell
Russell B Long
Lets make a clean sweep of all things considered racist by the left and just start over with
The Samuel L. Jackson Senate building
The Johnny Depp Office complex
The Paris Hilton STD clinic Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
what about machine politics and big city government corruption

what about unionism's corruption and mob infiltrations

what about fiscal irresponsibility for the sake of votes

what about the decay of most every city they run?

what about Japanese internment camps?