President Obama Gives Major Economic Speech in Indiana......."Boss, de plane,de plane"

This guy is living on Fantasy Island

Did someone tap him on the shoulder, and tell him to wake up, stand up there, and just read his TelePrompter?

All Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton do is give speeches about how things will be so much better when one of them is elected. Well, you have had the White House for eight years.

More of the same? Eight more years of this insanity. Record Black Unemployment. Record "part time jobs". Less than 1% growth. Over 90 million Americans out of the workforce. 38 percent of those adults between 18 and 34 still living with Mom and Dad? College tuitions sorting, while graduates can't find jobs to pay off loans.

All of this, and The United States of America has lost most of the respect of the World because of our Presidents false promises and ineptitude with dealings in major world problems.

Fantasy Island always had a happy ending. Right now, I would settle for just an ending to this moronic charade.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh and he whined about how people point out that the Emperor has no clothes.
There is a reason for all this folks. It's all done by design.
