Afghanistan withdrawal and the Taliban

VitaMan's Avatar
If you were President, how would you have done the withdrawal ?

Now that the Taliban are governing Afghanistan, what will be your future strategy for the region and for terrorism ?

The world doesn't have a policeman anymore......well, kind of. Taiwan comes to mind.
texassapper's Avatar
If you were President, how would you have done the withdrawal ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Better than Biden, but a fcking brand new butter bar could have done that.

Maybe not closing Bagram would have been a good idea,
not pulling close air from the ANA,
not stopping intel feed to ANA,
not removing US forces before civilian evacuation is complete,
not handing over a list of Americans and Afghan allies to the Taliban would probably be good too.

Now that the Taliban are governing Afghanistan, what will be your future strategy for the region and for terrorism ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
rubble doesn't make trouble.

The world doesn't have a policeman anymore......well, kind of. Taiwan comes to mind. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Taiwan is the worlds policeman? How stupid are you?

VitaMan's Avatar
Taiwan is protected by the USA from China. Do you get it now ?
Also the sea lanes in the south China sea.

If the Taliban withdrawal deadline given by the Taliban is or was not met, what chaos would ensue ?

Rubble makes no trouble ? What about Germany after WWI and the Versailles peace treaty ?
texassapper's Avatar
Taiwan is protected by the USA from China. Do you get it now ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
I know what you meant, dummy, try reading what you actually wrote... I quoted it for you because you're so stupid you can't comprehend what you yourself wrote. LOLOLO
Also the sea lanes in the south China sea. Originally Posted by VitaMan
LOL... also sea lanes? LOL... is that even a sentence? LOL
If the Taliban withdrawal deadline given by the Taliban is or was not met, what chaos would ensue ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Depends on the withdrawal plan now doesn't it? We won't know because all we have is Beijing Bidens example to go by... LOL, and it's a colossal fcukup by any measure
Rubble makes no trouble ? What about Germany after WWI and the Versailles peace treaty ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Did we reduce Berlin to a fcuking burning pile of rubble? You're too stupid to be writing stuff like this. You seem to have a very weak grasp of history and why the two situations are different. Germany post WWI was not reduced to rubble. (You're thinking of Saving Private Ryan probably LOL)

LOL... STUPID FCUKING DEMOCRATS... what a riot you guys are.
bambino's Avatar

Report: Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined

The chaos in Afghanistan could have reportedly been avoided altogether if President Joe Biden had accepted the Taliban’s initial offer for the U.S. to have full control of Kabul and the airport.

According to a report fromthe Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control of Afghanistan, senior U.S. military leaders met with Taliban political leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, where an offer was made for the United States to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined.

H/T: @imglover

Better than Biden, but a fcking brand new butter bar could have done that.

Maybe not closing Bagram would have been a good idea,
not pulling close air from the ANA,
not stopping intel feed to ANA,
not removing US forces before civilian evacuation is complete,
not handing over a list of Americans and Afghan allies to the Taliban would probably be good too.

rubble doesn't make trouble.

Taiwan is the worlds policeman? How stupid are you?

Originally Posted by texassapper
Pretty easy to be an armchair general keyboard warrior offering advice in hindsight. Try doing this in real time with potential of real bullets and bombs flying.
Fact is the taliban would have taken over Afghanistan any way you put it even after we left. So why spend resources trying to prevent it? I call bullshit on troops leaving before civilians. Who the fuck do you think is helping them exit? Santa's elves?
VitaMan's Avatar
LOL... STUPID FCUKING DEMOCRATS... what a riot you guys are. Originally Posted by texassapper

You missed so many points it is not worth discussing with you.

You didn't understand the Taiwan reference.
Apparently you have no knowledge of Asia and the importance of the sea lanes.
Germany started WW2 because of the rubble and inability to rebuild after WWI.
I am not a Democrat.

Go ahead, you can be the world's policeman. Let's see how you do.
bambino's Avatar
Looks like the Taliban learned how to fly Blackhawks
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden wouldn’t do Jack shit if China decided to go hang every dissident in Taiwan, they own him.
Looks like the Taliban learned how to fly Blackhawks Originally Posted by bambino

Looks pretty threatening. Hope they know how to maintain it after each flight.
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 09:38 AM
You missed so many points it is not worth discussing with you.

You didn't understand the Taiwan reference.
Apparently you have no knowledge of Asia and the importance of the sea lanes.
Germany started WW2 because of the rubble and inability to rebuild after WWI.
I am not a Democrat.

Go ahead, you can be the world's policeman. Let's see how you do. Originally Posted by VitaMan

ta listed teh points
DPST - whines and an claims not to be a DPST - Ok - Communist fits fine.

texassapper's Avatar
Pretty easy to be an armchair general keyboard warrior offering advice in hindsight. Try doing this in real time with potential of real bullets and bombs flying. Originally Posted by royamcr
You don't have the first clue what you're talking about... Do you seriously believe that ANY members of the teams that are ordinarily responsible for these types of operations are sitting under mortar and gunfire? LOL... you aren't even smart enough to realize what a stupid thing that is to even
texassapper's Avatar
Fact is the taliban would have taken over Afghanistan any way you put it even after we left. So why spend resources trying to prevent it? I call bullshit on troops leaving before civilians. Who the fuck do you think is helping them exit? Santa's elves? Originally Posted by royamcr
You do understand the difference between troop levels required to keep Kabul secure and evacuate civilians vs, airfield security?

Actually you probably don't but that won't stop you from telling us what an expert you are.

AND NOW WE ALSO KNOW, that the Beijing Biden regime turned down an offer to keep Kabul in American troops hands during civilian evacuations... and instead Beijing Biden was so hot to unass the place that they turned it down...

  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 09:44 AM
Thank U - ta.

'r' needs to get an education.