My Biggest Pet Peeve

Not that anybody cares, but I can't stand it when reviews start out where the person says they had a dream, or a fantasy, or some other BS.

I mean seriously, what's the point of that?

You think if somebody reads it you can deny it happened and say it was just a dream?

You don't have the guts to say this is what I did?
PaganGuy's Avatar
Yeah.. there's "CYA", and theres just plain lame.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-30-2011, 01:28 AM
Everyone has their own style, including you. As long as all the pertinent information is present, it does not matter.

It is like what the plus sign said to the ampersand...

"You do it your way and I'll do it my way."
FootLong's Avatar
Come on now, that's kind of a dumb thing to get yourself twisted up over, isn't it?

You should be glad the guy took time out to write a report of his experience, which helps you and everyone else to make a better decision on going in.
my biggest pet peeve is people with pet peeves!
My biggest pet peeve is when I am driving and have arrived at my destination...............when all of a sudden I get ready to get out of my car and guess what of my favorite songs come on the radio!! So that is why I was dancing in the Target parking lot today
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Why would anybody name their pet, peeve?

Blame it on Martin Luther King Jr. He started it back in 1963.

No really! Check it ~~>



Marcus78's Avatar
Mine is people who don't use the correct variations of you're and your. I am guilty of typographical errors too (reference "Eater Bunny" from a recent thread I started!) but I swear people are completely oblivious that they are two separate words with very distinct and different meanings and uses. It makes it hard to read longer posts since the two get interchanged so much!

Also, people who misspell the word "definitely" which happens to be the most misspelled word in the English language according to a recent study! What can I say? I'm anal when it comes to grammar! But, if that is my biggest complaint, I think I have a pretty easy life. Happy Hobbying "ya'll!"
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hey Marcus, since you're the resident grammarian...




Marcus78's Avatar
SKF, only when used in adjectival form. In addition, incorrect spellings of "loose" and "lose."

But, to keep my answer hobby related, I also HATE it when a lady is not fresh down below. It hasn't happened to me in the hobby yet, but damn I could relate a horror story from my undergrad years.... *shudders* That was a bad (albeit humorous) time!
Oh Marcus---sooner or later......................

BTW - is there another word for Thesaurus?

oldtiger's Avatar
Mine is, when I need a BJ and no one is around to give me one....
thatdude210's Avatar
Who cares, to be honest.

As long as they share info, if they want to throw in a one sentence disclaimer I couldn't care less.
Chuck12's Avatar
Mine is people who don't use the correct variations of you're and your. I am guilty of typographical errors too (reference "Eater Bunny" from a recent thread I started!) but I swear people are completely oblivious that they are two separate words with very distinct and different meanings and uses. It makes it hard to read longer posts since the two get interchanged so much!

Also, people who misspell the word "definitely" which happens to be the most misspelled word in the English language according to a recent study! What can I say? I'm anal when it comes to grammar! But, if that is my biggest complaint, I think I have a pretty easy life. Happy Hobbying "ya'll!" Originally Posted by Marcus78
Your defanetly right Marcus, I 100% agree with you're post. It is annoying when people don't use those two words correctly. The only thing that annoys me with reviews is when there are no comments or 1 or 2 lines of comments that do not add anything to the review. Other than that as long as the info is there, i could care less how they start it or how they write it.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-25-2011, 11:16 PM
OK, I have one...

Excuse me while I put the Mod hat aside...

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone starts an ISO thread in the Request/ISO forum and all the wanna be comedians always have to come out of the woodwork with their lame jokes at the OP's expense instead of actually trying to help the OP with his quest. In my opinion such posts are a waste of bandwidth and site resources.

Retrieving my Mod hat now.