What has the Hobby Done to you?

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Has the hobby changed your sexual appetite in any way?
Have you learned more about the things you enjoy?
Has it opened you up to trying things you like you might never have without the hobby experience?
Do you think you are kinky, have always been so, or think the hobby enhanced it or evoked it in the first place?

I discovered that I really enjoy a lot of things that most civilians will not do with me. So thanks hobby for spoiling me rotten.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-23-2011, 03:29 PM
Has the hobby changed your sexual appetite in any way?
Have you learned more about the things you enjoy?
Has it opened you up to trying things you like you might never have without the hobby experience?
Do you think you are kinky, have always been so, or think the hobby enhanced it or evoked it in the first place? Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Answering your question in order...


bigguy4DATY's Avatar
1. Nope, still big hunger for my fav
2. not sure
3. Nope, already very open
4. Yep, always been very kinky
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Si, This hobby has opened me so so much! All the different experience's I've done with friends... I Love this hobby world

FootLong's Avatar
My answers are pretty much same as Mokoa's. Yes...
SpursFan's Avatar
What Mokoa said.

redrum's Avatar
First of all the hobby life has shortened my retirement plans
Secondly it's made me a bEtter lover
I have lived out a lot of my fantasies
I have met some great ladies
I've had some great memories
I am exited about future dreams
Magix's Avatar
  • Magix
  • 07-24-2011, 04:10 AM
I don't believe it has changed my appetite in any way. I am still just as much of a lush as I was before I started :P

It has allowed me to accomplish many things I had always thought and dreamed about. (However, there are still a couple of things on my to do list) And it made these things happen in a much shorter timeline than it would have happened without it.

I am not sure I am any more kinky than I was before, or have really experienced anything outside of my comfort level (and it is possible that I could enjoy these things, and have just not met the person to take me there).

I would say, that I am more open, and much more "aggressive" so to speak, with a provider than I would have in my everyday life previously. (But I think a big part of that, is I just want to experience new things, and I think its made me much more open than I was before).