last week

Good morning to all…

The time has come for me to go UTR. There are many reasons for this but there are a few reasons that I will explain.
Ever since the last of ASPD days and then here, the tone on the boards has been different and very rude . No one has any respect for each other.
This is so not me. I respect each and everyone I meet, and consider each person I see a friend and treat them as such. Even those I do not meet I treat with respect at all times. I can not say that for everybody.
Even the providers seem to be rude and different then the older days. ( makes me sound old) lol..
I guess I had always thought of this hobby as fun more than biz. I have been put down MANY times from providers because I don’t charge much. I was not here to make a lot of money, just enough to survive, but mostly it was for fun. I enjoyed everyone I have been with. I just cant see a hobbyist paying booko bucks when I am having a good time also. Just don’t seem fair. But hey, to each their own.
I have been blasted, verbally abused, physically abused and used because of my sweet nature. And for this , it is the main reason why I am going UTR. I will be around for those that know how to get a hold of me.

I want to thank a few people that have really helped me and have become true friends through the 4 years of doing this. If I have missed a few please forgive me…. Listed or not… You know how I feel about you because I have told you and have been honest and gave you my friendship heart.
Paganguy... i have to say you are and will continue to be a very good friend of mine. i dont know what else to say.

CK… you have always been there when I needed advice from day one. I want to thank you because you have taken the time with any stupid question that may have had. ( and I know I was a pain in the ass in the beginning because I was so new and soooo naïve) thank you thank you babe.

Flinde… what can I say about you…hehehehehe.. Well, you are a special person and always said nice things to me and about me. You have met some of my “friends” also. You are very fun and will miss ya. You know how to get a hold of me if you want to check in and check up on me.

Dennisrn… hmmmm.. You were one of my first “friends” . Taught me a few things from aspd and the biz. You were so nice to me and so helpful. I will miss you also.

Pepper… I have never met you in person. But I have always respected your demeanor on the boards. I always looked forward to reading what you have to say. I will miss that.

Sonya… again respect for you also. I don’t know if you remember, but I met you in person at my first social like 2 years ago. You are one hot lady. Lol.

Lurkit… giggles to you. I had so much fun with you. I enjoyed our times together for sure. You know how to get a hold of me…

Man I have so many people that I need to thank but I am drawing a blank with the rest.. And if I kept going this would be a book by the time I am done.
The official UTR happening will be at the end of this month, so I guess only a week huh? So now is the time… I will be checking my Pms everyday for a while to answer and for the ladies that need anything from me. ( if that matters to some)
I have learned so much in the four years and have met some awesome people. I will miss each and everyone of you. ( even those jealous ones and the ones that will be happy to see me leave) and you know those drama starters and they know themselves. Just remember one thing, EVERYONE can see what is said and it will catch up to you eventually. Be nice to each other. The world will be a better place if everyone could just get along and have respect for the fellow man or woman.

Licks and kisses to all and Thanks for the all the memories.
Good Luck in all your doings...............whatever they may be hon,

Licks and kisses(hee hee)
See ya.
PaganGuy's Avatar
Well I'm super flattered for the mention luv. Will miss you on here but see where you're coming from.. I try to ad some fun, wisdom, and niceguyness where I can and been called a "WK" more than once which I think is somebodys derogatory term for "not an asshole". So be it.. I completely understand and have always lived my life where when any job, hobby, or any other situation got to where it was absolutely no fun anymore then it was time to move along. You know how to contact me and I you.. just wish I could more often.
Marcus78's Avatar
Sorry to see you go. I always enjoyed chatting with you on the board. Best of luck to you!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-25-2011, 06:16 PM
May the winds be at your back!

All the best to you!
Sorry to see you go! Don't let a few meanies make you feel like you have to go! This is your board as much as it is anyone else's. People who have been rude to you are just assholes who don't deserve to be friends with someone nice like you to begin with! Good luck in everything and know that if you need to chat I'm just a phone call or email or pm away

Xoxo, Pepper
Take care, wish we could have met.
awww ms loves!!
stay safe, and have tons of fun!!
if you need anything....and you havent closed your account, pm me or email...even text!!!

good luck to you!!
yessss! maybe i can be #1 on the best bj list now!! jk
take care! licks n kisses 2 YOU!!
tallgeese's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear you're going. We'll miss you lots. Always enjoy your comments. Will you still keep checking your pm's?
Master Vader's Avatar
Sorry to see you go but sometimes we just need to make changes in our lives.
missprittikitti.... lol.. maybe you can start a poll on who is the best.hehehehe.. i have no doubt that you are the best.
tallgeese... yes I will check my pms every once in a while. if you have my number u can reach me that way to hun.
thank you all for the warm wishes. i will miss most here for sure.
Sorry you think you have to leave the board Ms Love, I've tried leaving more times than I can remember for various reasons and I still haven't succeeded yet.

One thing you might want to think about is using the "Add to Ignore List" feature, since this board is for everyone and not just a just ignore a few folkss postings, PMs, etc...out of site, out of mind...

Dirty Dan's Avatar
From one Wisconsinite to another, sorry to see you go.

Go Packers!
Ms of luck to you! I understand how you feel...but, just remember that there are just as many good people who appreciate the rude people who may not.

Don't ever let anyone discourage you from doing what is best for you and your business.

Take care and if you ever miss us...we'll be right here!