The angel in Oahu, thank you.

Aftershock's Avatar
The memory is softly blurred like looking through fogged glass in winter but it was tropical where this angel took care of me. I had recently been honorably discharged from the military but took my time getting back home. Home was a far away sweet place were bluebonnets waved at you as you drove along the highways but I was far from it, surrounded by the Pacific blue. I decided to stick around the island and enjoy it as a civilian to totally grasp the freedom from my previous structured life. I now find it humorous how I had no idea I was already hobbying while stuck on that rock. AMPs and the ladys on the street were on my lusts menu when I had that hunger. It was late, the night was coming to an end in Waikiki as the last calls were announced. Being the lush I am, last second orders were made to let me ride out the drunken wave for the rest of the night til sleep won me over. It was time to go, time to vacate what ever place I was killing more than time, brain cells, liver,the past and future dreams... I wasnt so bad that night heh heh I was actually walking and not lurching like a black and white zombie from the 60's. As I made my way to the current hotel of choice , she caught my eye and sparked that little flame of lust thatll nag you to death like your favorite wife. I remember being with her, I remember needing to be with her again.

I know I approached, I know I asked, I know I know I know... It was late enough and it wasnt off to the hotel room she had but back to her apartment. She remembered me and our first encounter, too bad I clearly dont, sad but true. She was sweeter than I knew, like a dessert you underestimate when you taste it, the sweetness almost hurts while it satiates your sweet tooth which you know is a wicked fang.

We got back to her place and we made ourselves comfortable like a couple returning home from long evening out. We left the city outside as we took our shoes off, turned on the tube and spilled onto the couch relieved the nights end is here. Of course this was first and foremost a business deal so that was smoothly put to pasture in between the comfort. The couch was small but the carpet was plentiful so we sank down to that level and got oh so comfy. What a sweet blonde thing, a sweet blonde angel that was really gonna take care of me that night.

We chilled and chilled, the angel offered me a recreational distraction that lifted us to a higher plane of time and space... I accepted of course since I no longer had to worry about zero tolerance. I guess thats the warm breath on my memory's cold pane of glass. Things got foggy but we laughed and laughed, I joked and reminisced of things past...the angel laughed and recalled those times too... we were close in age... You know right about now would be the perfect time Id go into details about how the friction my skin and the angel's skin makes this tale hot but tis what the tale is not. We carried on and I was beyond my depths more than I knew, subject to airy things that turn the minds screw. So far beyond I was, a sheep without a shepherd but no need when an angel is near. It was time to go and man, down was up and left was right. Luckily I was in good company, she knew I was lost were I stood. We got dressed and she called a cab. Walked me downstairs and stayed by my side till my ride arrived. I thought that was it but she insisted that she go with me to make sure I get to the correct hotel. The cab pulled up to my so called place and I poured outside of the vehicle and turned around and thanked the angel for getting my sorry ass back to my place. Dont remember her words but I know we said what civil people say when they part ways.

Okay okay seriously now I had this memory in the back of my mind and just thought it'd be good to get it out there one way or the other. Its a damn shame I dont remember that womans name (its been many years) but I remember that she was cool with me and didnt take advantage of me (aka rob my ass blind and kick me to the curb). I know I was pretty fucking wasted during our time together but she of course took care of business but went above and beyond and took care of me at the same time. This is not just a thank you to her but a thank you to all the lovely ladies out there that every now and then really take care of us gents.
flinde's Avatar
Great story, Aftershock. The whore with the heart of gold is much more than a movie cliche.

I have met dozens of great heart of gold working gals over the years.