WHEW! Finally made it!

I wanted to share this with just the H'burg guys. While I am here, I will be offering 1/3 off! Shhhhhh........ don't tell the NOLA guys! LOL!!!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Hi, Nic. I hope you have a lot of fun in H'burg. Those guys are in for a real treat as well as a real bargin on your donation.
Thanks WYAR, having a wonderful time! Lovin me some H'burg!
If it wasn't for work keeping me here 12 to 13 hrs a day I would jump my ass across state line and see just how wet we could make things
Well, when I come back to the NS, maybe we could work something out....
discreethdrider's Avatar
You should be able to leave the burg with a very nice smile! It's a pretty nice place to make some noise.