Preferred Type Of Incall

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Whether it be a "cheap-don't-bring-a-black-light-if-you-value-your-sanity" No-Tel, a "Five Star" Hotel to "Gated Residential Neighborhood" Residence we all have our preferred style of incall. Each have their own inherit pro's & con's. There are some of us that don't give a 2nd thought to the locale. As well as those who'll cross someone of their TDL simply because of type of incall.

So, when you take time to consciously think about. Where do you prefer to have/do your IOP or Freak Nasty This Will Be One Hell Of A Cleanup Activities? Why. Ladies, where do you prefer to host or be hosted at?

*Self edit.
Removed choices from post to put in poll.
90% or more of my incall cashflow has been through an apartment.

Edit: 90% of my outcall cashflow has been through a 3* or higher hotel....billed to my client with a 10% markup. Hard to beat that. Note when the international hotel charges me the "extra person fee"....I pay for that.

Last year, I started using Expedia and setting the number of guests to 2. So when the cute girl at the desk gives me the stink eye for my visitor and wants to tax me for her, i remind her the guest count on my reservation. I usually wait until shift change before the second lady arrives...but some times it doesn't work out.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I prefer a nice hotel or apartment. But no problems meeting at a notel
ICU 812's Avatar
I checked Apartment, but ra esidence is good too.
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 06-02-2014, 08:16 PM
Not a big fan of skidrow. One of the places I went to was so ghetto I almost left. Didn't want to stiff the lady that way. Ended up having a decent time but was worried when I left there my car would be jacked. Explain that one to the insurance company.

Anyhow, I don't mind as long as it's clean. And, have some damn bath towels.
Your poll doesn't know shit about percentages..........
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Your poll doesn't know shit about percentages.......... Originally Posted by oldman

Lay off the whacky tabac-ky
Without voting it's a 200% poll. Let's see what happens if I actually vote.
Must be one of Obama's jobs created stats. Divide the # by 2 and you've got a # that might mean something.
DToxxx's Avatar
The incall that stood out for me the most would be my visit to AH (Galleria). Everything from the decore, dim lighting, quite music, scents and overall cleanliness was nice. For me the ambiance made the fantasy that much more geniune. Kind of reminded me of stopping by to visit a girlfriend. Hotels are just fine but does give it a strictly business vibe. Ladies that post "private incall" definitely get my attention. I'm sure it gets the neighbors too. Thats the con...
Must be one of Obama's jobs created stats. Divide the # by 2 and you've got a # that might mean something. Originally Posted by oldman
Way to go Oldman mow the Mods are going to move this to the Political Thread
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I just looked at the current poll results. Damn, oldman! You're right. I thinck my poll must have gotten an HISD edu-ma-cation.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I've asked this question before and was surprised by the overwhelming number of guys that said they preferred private incall only.

Last year I had to work from hotels for about 4 months and I was shocked at all the guys that canceled after I disclosed I was at a hotel and all of these places were really nice, $200+ a night places.
Prime Time's Avatar
I prefer my neighborhood Popeyes. Fried chicken and fucking.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-03-2014, 08:42 AM
I've asked this question before and was surprised by the overwhelming number of guys that said they preferred private incall only.

Last year I had to work from hotels for about 4 months and I was shocked at all the guys that canceled after I disclosed I was at a hotel and all of these places were really nice, $200+ a night places. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
When you have a private incall it gives a sense of stability. A hotel gives you a feeling of a person who may not have their shit together. Obviously crazy chicks can rent an apartment too, and there are some cool chicks that stay in hotels but that's just the feel of it to me. I feel a bit safer at a private incall and more relaxed.