Cock rings

Good one's Avatar
I'm going to use a cock ring for the first time tonight. Does anyone have any info on how or if they work? What are the best one's to use?
My ex used to use one every once in awhile and it seemed to work. They have a nice variety to choose from, he used the jelly ring kind that came in a 3 pack.
Cock rings work by binding the penis and testicles, preventing the blood flow from leaving the genitals and keeping them engorged with blood. This can result in a harder erection and increased sensitivity for the wearer. Cock rings are not recommended for those with diabetes or nerve disease.

If you are new to using cock rings, try wearing and playing with one for a maximum of 15-20 minutes at a time. Blood normally circulates freely in and out of the penis, even during an erection. By using a cock ring for an unrecommended extended period of time and trapping blood in your genitals, you can damage the blood vessels at the base of your penis, create lasting and bothersome soreness, or even affect the tissue and chambers within the penis.

I recommend Vibrating cock rings from "Screaming O" they make great quality products.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Had a girl try one on me one time and it worked.
I'm going to use a cock ring for the first time tonight. Does anyone have any info on how or if they work? What are the best one's to use? Originally Posted by Good one

Let is know how you like em. I got me a set but was too scard to use it last time. I'm not sure if they would really make a difference...
setman's Avatar
C-Rings: Setty never leaves the ground without at least two.

Screaming O's makes serveral types of c-rings that you might like.

Just remember when using c-rings, dont wear it for more than 30 minutes at a time or you can do some damage.

I prefer "O-Yeah" It's a ring with a regular sized bullet in a "finger" shaped sleeve. So basically when you're stroking her inside, the finger is stroking her outside.

They named it right too because it will make her go, "OH! YEAH! OHHHH YEAH!! YEAH!!"

You can trust Setty on this.

Enjoy yourself, stay safe, be cool.

Setty (SouthSide)

Good one's Avatar
Thanks for everyone's input. I used it last nite and loved it!
DallasRain's Avatar
cool--I use them frequently..they really work good after I use a penis pump!!!
burkalini's Avatar
What happened to the ole natural hard on. lol
LazurusLong's Avatar
Only an idiot into potential damage of the nuts would bind the testicles as part of a cock ring! NEVER endanger the boys that way.

Use the ring on the damn shaft at the base. Elastic ones are the best and easiest to remove once the guy has finished the task at hand.