Paranoid much?

Please Delete
I don't get it.
He wrote three or four extremely articulate paragraphs explaining how Amazing Dixie pissed him off not once, but twice. He also explained how she needed to have better trust when it came to fellow hookers giving OK's for previous clients via text message or conversation through the mobile number listed on their showcase. She implied that "anybody could have Cassie's phone".
(The other several ladies, whom I will not mention, that I have given OK's to, have never had a problem texting or talking to me on my cell phone)
Also went into detail about the first attempted meeting that even though he was not passing her screening process that she would accept money on a green dot money card. Who the hell pays for services when they are not passing the screening process?
I was going to keep my mouth shut but then I received a catty ass PM.
He was a gentleman and asked for his post to be deleted.
That is it in a nutshell.
Thought I had good relations with her but I guess not.
Maybe somebody hacked my Eccie account the way they hacked my phone. Pun intended.
I am not so inept that someone besides me would have access to my phone.
I am a single mother, college student, and I own a business that unfortunately, the government frowns upon.
Oh, and by the way, I am independent also.
No manages shit for me, except me.
I am done, do not expect to get any further info from me. I have said enough. Y'all do the homework.
Sorry you all do not care about how safe you are. I do.

Its just how I do it.

If you don't understand the legalities with the use of the green dot card, That is not my problem. But gentz with NO verification service, That's who the hell uses it. It's called knowing your laws and being professional.

Take this mess to PM.

Wow... What a turn off! I don't know either of you, but this sounds like a personal issue.

Miss Dreams
Attack me in public so I replied in public. Just a rebuttal, Nothing more.
But thank you for your advice.

Everyone have a most splendid day!!
Ladies please lets not air this in public. It makes everyone evolved look like drama queens. We don't want drama here, we all get enough of that in real life. Hopefully this will be enough of a warning for this to stop. Everyone can go about there business and hopefully have a good day.

Not meaning to rain on anyone's parade, but I always become concerned when I see or read about off the wall verification practices.

, as a form of verification? You've got to be joking right? The legalities of it Are this; to purchase a green dot reload, you need no form of identification, you need nothing but cash. BUT if you accept it, without verification, and it turns out to be LE, you can also be snared in money laundering, and they will freeze your bank accounts.

Seeking references is not a sure fire way of screening either, although it does help to some extent. There are no guarantees on any level for screening, LE has been known to set up work web sites, business phone lines, ladies they have already busted..... SMH, one of the reasons this board was first formed was not only because of the owners sister, who owned ASPD, passing, but because one of the Christmas M&G parties was infiltrated. How? References.

BTW, hi everyone. Sorry for the input, but was just amazed at the reference to as a way of verification.