the CNN poll which has Obama up 6 points over Romney is a joke of a poll, that it over samples Democrats by a very wide margin. The media is still trying to prop up Obama with these phony polls.

Anyone who watches/listen to/ or otherwise gets their info from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, et al is dumb as rocks.

joe bloe's Avatar
It's ridiculous. There is no rational defense of their polling methodology. The polls, with the possible exception of Rasmussen, are rigged in favor of the Dimo's. The poll takers can get any result they want, by changing the nature of the sample group. The poll takers know, that using a registered voter sample, instead of a likely voter sample, gives an advantage to Obama; they could alter the ratio of Democrat to Republicans in the sample to compensate, but they don't.

The polls can't be trusted, any more than main stream media can be trusted. Usually, the pollster's client is ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, etc. The poll takers have to please their client, if they want to stay in business. The poll takers are just whores for main stream media. Main stream media is a whore for the Democratic Party.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
the CNN poll which has Obama up 6 points over Romney is a joke of a poll, that it over samples Democrats by a very wide margin. The media is still trying to prop up Obama with these phony polls.

Anyone who watches/listen to/ or otherwise gets their info from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, et al is dumb as rocks.

http://www.therightscoop.com/awesome...-manufactured/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

That's odd. Anything you are against usually turns out to be true/right.
Each day you become shriller, more desperate. You objectify people who disagree with you for reasons that only your minuscule and insecure ego could possibly explain.

But I'm getting ahead of myself because I don't give a fuck if your mommy didn't love you or if she had sex with your "uncle" in front of you while your dad was in prison.

No, this will be about you. whirly-gig'em aggies? whirly, twirly, your real name is shirley? whirly, hurlly? whirly-check....yeah, yeah that's it. whirly-check!

I'll point out why your post isn't a fact and why it is rightist propaganda.
And also if you don't mind, do the same for me. We'll both post links to back up our conclusions.

We'll have such fun.
Mr. NoWhereMan, feel free to respond with some facts. Your name calling rants are getting old, worn out and tired.

Your posts are like old country western songs; prison, fucking your momma, kicking your dog, and getting drunk..........I bet your a great role model to those close to you.

Thank you for your short attention span, now feel free to go back to your binge drinking.