The death of US privacy

Sens. Graham, Blackburn and Cotton intrduced a horrible bill in July named the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data (LAED) Act. It's a terrible idea, and if you are a freedom loving American, regardless of your political convictions, you should be dead against this bill and push back.

If this passes and Trump signs it, it will give the gov access to your WhatsApp and Signal messages. The bill completely ignores the implications and terrible consequences of opening up security "just for the good guys". There is simply no such thing. When a backdoor exists, there is no such thing as exclusive access to it. And furthermore, just like the Patriot Act, it will eventually be abused.
No matter what ends up happening with encryption (not if, but WHEN), start preparing now. Use things like "Tails", Protonmail, Hushmail, VPNs, etc. We already gave up lots of privacy (with smartphones) to the tech titans who are Chinese sellouts. Support OPEN SOURCE projects which may be offshore so that US law doean't apply.

Elect patriots who know about this stuff. Not Democrats, not Republicans, not socialists. People who know what the fuck they are talking about.