NS Thai Susie

Last Ride's Avatar
I have scheduled twice with Susie.


The first time she texted an hour before my appointment time and cancelled. The second time drove to incall area. Texted waited. Texted waited. 15minutes past appointment time texted again. Never got any response from her.

I will not attempt to see her again.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Well that sux. I've read some positive posts about her and she was on the radar.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Nice nips in that last photo
She did the same thing to me. Sucks as I was really interested in seeing her.
Same story here. Set up appointment, confirm 2 hours prior, drive to incall, text Im here and NO response.
rcinokc's Avatar
From her ad "No shows banned! Be a man of your word or don’t contact me."

Gotta love irony.
She got me too, I was on my way when she cancelled.