Curious about a couple giels on STG

Strawberry and Latina girl.

They have pics up all the time and are in some pics together.

Any info? I looked up phone numbers and such, they don't appear to be fakes
It would be a lot easier to post the numbers so we can be sure were on the same page. DO NOT POST LINKS TO THE ADS AS IT WILL GET YOU BANNED. But you can post the numbers and we could then search those and find the ads in question and let you know if we have any info.

At least I dont think they have banned posting numbers yet. You can not post pictures, ads, links, girls sites, alerts or anything else that could be used to assist in the pursuit of the hobby but as far as I know they have yet to ban the posting of numbers. I could see why you would be afraid as it seems as if anything that enables one to do research on a girl or aid in anyway to making the hobby easier or more safe is now against the rules. Maybe a mod could clear it up before I give the wrong advice and get someone banned. Can we post numbers?

I get that things are as oppressive as they could possibly be here these days and everything that makes a hobby board even the slightest bit relevant is a bannable offense but I dont see how posting a string of numbers could be considered a rules violation. If thats the case who decides what group of numbers are bannable? If I post 123456789 and someone post a group of numbers that pulls up a girls ads in google whos to say that it wasn't just a coincidence. That would be extreme even by eccie standards.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Post all the adds you want The administrators had a meeting and feel it’s ok

However posting links to porn is still not allowed.

While some continue to complain and question the relevancy of ECCIE the owners and administrators are tweaking the rules continually to be compliant with the ever changing laws.

The Dr
Post all the adds you want The administrators had a meeting and feel it’s ok

However posting links to porn is still not allowed.

While some continue to complain and question the relevancy of ECCIE the owners and administrators are tweaking the rules continually to be compliant with the ever changing laws.

The Dr Originally Posted by Dr-epg
You know this just makes me feel like all the bitching and moaning I do effected positive change right? This will just add more fuel to my fire to keep pointing out how ridiculous it is to actively make the hobby more difficult and dangerous instead of easier and more safe as this board was originally intended.

In all seriousness this is great news and a huge step in the right direction. Bring back ads and alerts and I will act like there is a tit in my mouth and finally shut up.

Dr. So when you say links to porn are still not allowed does that mean that we can not post stg ads that have nude pictures? Also does this mean we can post links to girls sites and other add sites like eros oh2 p411 or any other site that has ads for ladies? I was banned many times in the past for posting links to stg ads that had nudity or even a hint of nudity in them and never even saw it myself because I didn't go through each picture the girl posted in her add with a fine tooth comb. Before someone gets banned can you get clarity on how through we need to be when checking a girls add before posting the link here.
I guess that based on my experience from the time when Backpage, Eccie, and I don’t know who else was taken down, the sites were essentially declawed and defanged, of course, where there’s a will, there’s a way, and the sites have recovered in some capacity, but the “Big Boys” did exactly what they intended to do... that’s just my opinion. I think this site is nearly useless now, other than the input and information members provide to each other . I know people enjoy joking and playing around, I am certainly guilty of that myself, but I also strongly believe that there are a lot of thoughtful, intelligent, and well informed people who have interesting and valuable opinions and experience on this site , that’s really the only reason I still look at it. I have had some great reads and conversations here, thank you to all, you are certainly on that list, Basscat, thanks again.
Dr-epg's Avatar

ECCIE is still USA based and owned because of that all it must comply with all the states laws The “big boys” are either not USA owned or they moved their operations out of the country.
As far of bans and members getting banned it’s never been as bad as some people make it appear, (we will not openly discuss members who might have been banned) I will say talk about minors or images of minors will result in immediate infractions also any outing or attempted outing will result in a ban.

Links are fine. The pictures in the girls adds are not hosted on ECCIE so it’s not our problem.
Links to OH, Tryst or a competitive site is OK

Any pictures actually posted on ECCIE is stored on the ECCIE servers and these must adhere to the image guidelines

This should give you enough guidance to feel comfortable posting links without the fears of a imaginary ban hammer coming down on you.

Remember the moderators and administrators are here to offer assistance so if there are questions just PM and ask.

The Dr

ECCIE is still USA based and owned because of that all it must comply with all the states laws The “big boys” are either not USA owned or they moved their operations out of the country.
As far of bans and members getting banned it’s never been as bad as some people make it appear, (we will not openly discuss members who might have been banned) I will say talk about minors or images of minors will result in immediate infractions also any outing or attempted outing will result in a ban.

Links are fine. The pictures in the girls adds are not hosted on ECCIE so it’s not our problem.
Links to OH, Tryst or a competitive site is OK

Any pictures actually posted on ECCIE is stored on the ECCIE servers and these must adhere to the image guidelines

This should give you enough guidance to feel comfortable posting links without the fears of a imaginary ban hammer coming down on you.

Remember the moderators and administrators are here to offer assistance so if there are questions just PM and ask.

The Dr Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Dr I get that none of what has transpired has been yours or any other mods fault and I have never blamed you or any other mod personally for any of the bans I have received in the past. But the truth is the truth and I have been banned for posting links to stg ads that had minor nudity or even pictures that were sexually suggestive in the past. I feel as though I was targeted in those instances because I am outspoken about my displeasure with what I see as rules that dont protect the site from the feds and their new unjust laws and do nothing but make the hobby less safe and more difficult for those of us who use this site to specifically to make it easier and more safe.

I have never understood how anything linked from here that doesn't break any federal or state law ie images ads links to sites or anything that can legally be hosted elsewhere can get you banned here for merely posting a link to it in a post here. If its legal elsewhere I dont see how the act of posting it here suddenly makes it illegal. I am no lawyer so I have little or no actual understanding of the laws so I could be way off base.

I think people may think that I do not like this site and want to do everything I can to put it down or get people to leave it for another site that allows all the things this site once did but no longer can. Thats simply not true. I love Eccie and have great appreciation for the tremendous amount of good it has done for me and the hobby in general over the years. This place has been my hobby home for over a decade and as such I appreciate it greatly. I just wish it could revamp itself to being as useful as possible for the benefit of all of us who hobby.

The next and best thing the site could do to the betterment of all would be to start a section that allows verified ladies to post links to sites not hosted here with post that have their pics and some text maybe saying where they are or where they are going to be and the dates and numbers that one could interpret as a way to contact those ladies via text or call and what those ladies might expect in return for their time. That would be legal as long as it was not hosted here. They could make these post on stg then have a section in each city that gets its own list of links that only verified ladies can post in so us guys know when when we see a link posted in that section that its a lady who is legit and verified and most importantly safe to visit. That would not only be good for us men but it would be great for the ladies as well. I dont see how that is breaking any laws as they are written now.

All in all just allowing us to post links to stg and other add sites is a huge step in the right direction. Just as long as these links are not combed over and used to ban people for things that are totally legal to post on the site that its linked from ie nudes or girls listing their rates and contact info. In the past those things while completely legal have been used to ban people who post links here. I know as I said I have been on the receiving end of the banhammer many times due to posting links from stg that had nudity in them.

How about iso's are those still not allowed?

Can we post alerts in coed if we hear of cash and dash or stings going on?

Can a lady post in coed a link to her stg add in the city she is visiting and not say anything just post the link? Us guys are smart enough to know what that information means and how to use it to our benefit.

We all know why the site has to play the game the way we have to play it and all of us reasonable people understand that its necessary to keep the owners as well as us end users safe from possible legal action. The thing is there are clever ways to work around these things and still get the info we need to hobby and do so safely. It would be great if the site got behind us and supported us doing just that. Getting the information out in a legal way that still makes the site very useful for the purpose it was created for in the first place.

Regardless things are looking up and for that I am happy.

God I am long winded. Just to ask a few questions I typed a small book. I hope none of you read all that
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ISO’s are still not allowed

Yes coed can be used to report cash and dash or ghosting

A lady cannot advertise so no they cannot post a link that goes for the gentlemen as well We cannot write a post promoting a lady (it’s still a ad)

Hopefully this helps

The Dr
Damn it, Basscat, I wish you had began your few questions with your warning, by the time I got to it, I had read the book, lol, I don’t mind, it contains some good points.
I would still post telephone numbers in addition to the ads. Too many ads get dropped, but if the lady is local and keeps the number you can still do some investigating.
That can get interesting, too, anig , this chick is currently with a new phone number
Edit location The Dr)
I have already confirmed with her via text, same girl, different phone number, idk... hell, she’s got a review on eccie, what could go wrong?
That can get interesting, too, anig , this chick is currently with a new phone number
Edit location The Dr)
I have already confirmed with her via text, same girl, different phone number, idk... hell, she’s got a review on eccie, what could go wrong? Originally Posted by Steel Wheels

I agree with always posting the ho's number from her ads. Even if they change it you can usually pull up old ads with her pics from searching the old number long after the link quits working.

The girl you posted is 100% legit and has been seen my several of us since she showed up first a few months back. Attractive looks like her pics and has decent rates or at least she did when she first came to the coast. A lot of time as soon as they get reviews they increase the rates thinking that since they have reviews they deserve more money than they were happy with the last time you saw them. Also they tend to get an earful from the tricks that think the girl will actually start to like them if they tell her to charge more. Not to mention once they get reviews that list their rates if they are reasonable other girls will call and tell them to charge more. Like a monopoly of pussy providers so they can ban together and fleece us idiot tricks. Yet one more reason to never review a girl in the public domain until you are done seeing her.