In the Dark Recesses of the Human Mind

In light of the accident in boston

Once again we see (saw) people crowding the streets celebrating the capture/death of the Evil outsiders (insert your favorite ethnic racial klu klux klan stereotype here) some cheering for the death of a human being (fondly bringing back memories of the worldwide fanfare of end of osama)

Once again the perfect scapegoat. Now as we will continue to watch on the someone else mentioned on here the "dissection" will begin. Experts from all over will chime in same ol same ol like they do with all these accidents on the history & background of those young kids. Whaaaat went wrong? using all logical/rational superficial fancy academic speech. Certainly the common popular most favorite theme scapegoat - were they religious zealots, who do/did they belong to...them vs the rest of us

Notice how instantly we separate ourselves from 'them'. Like there is was never any connection. When these accidents happen it is never ever Our responsibility and we certainly won't open our mind to the possibility that there a pattern a culture of disconnection in our society. It's other groups/parts of the world vs us. Because they hurt one of us something is wrong with 'them'. Absolutely has nothing to do with rest of us.

But we all are responsible for setting up the bedrock for these accidents to happen.
Now I don't know who those kids were and it doesn't really matter. It could have been me. It could have been you. Somewhere along the line they were ...influenced; to see that they are separate from the rest That the most powerful way to make others understand feel what they feel is to show them. Hurt them. Then they will all see. Then they will be understood. And if it means losing their life then so be it. Because they have so little self-worth

What happened has happened and will continue to happen (unless we promote a new worldwide culture) is a cry for help. It's a message a self-reflection of us...What we are All About who have we become who are we becoming where are we going

I have nothing but deep compassion and Love for all these misguided misunderstood Souls ...these are the most in need of our love. And I pray that as we go about in our ordinary lives that we keep our eyes and hearts open to be able to see who is in need, who needs help, look inside of people ...before wounds can manifest and fester into more accidents.

It's never too late to save someone or be saved
LexusLover's Avatar
In light of the accident in boston

When these accidents happen it is never ever Our responsibility and we certainly won't open our mind to the possibility that there a pattern a culture of disconnection in our society. It's other groups/parts of the world vs us.

But we all are responsible for setting up the bedrock for these accidents to happen.
Now I don't know who those kids were and it doesn't really matter.

It could have been me.

It could have been you.

I have nothing but deep compassion and Love for all these misguided misunderstood Souls ...

these are the most in need of our love.

And I pray that as we go about in our ordinary lives that we keep our eyes and hearts open to be able to see who is in need, who needs help, look inside of people ...before wounds can manifest and fester into more accidents.

It's never too late to save someone or be saved Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
I hope you are referring to the "accidental" failure ....

..... to kill the little bastard in the boat.

Zabrina, you are an extraordinarily gorgeous woman externally, but if what you posted are your true sentiments then you are far from gorgeous within.

Loading pressure cookers with ball bearings and nails with a bomb to slaughter innocent bystanders at a sporting event (including women and children) PURPOSEFULLY, then slaughtering a police officer in an ambush, and then trying to slaughter more with more bombs and driving at them with a stolen vehicle... is no "accident."

While screwing you I would be concerned about when you were going to have an "accident" yourself. It would be difficult to focus on sex.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It has been my experience that people actually involved don't celebrate that much. Note the reaction of the police in Boston. The others are just spectators and are reacting like they are watching a sporting event rather than real life. It seemed over the top and will probably be used by our enemies to show how low we can go. Yes, they (and you know who they are) go much lower. Note the reactions around the world to 9/11. I would like to see my country celebrate in a much more subdued, less sporting event manner (adult).
In light of the accident in boston

Once again we see (saw) people crowding the streets celebrating the capture/death of the Evil outsiders (insert your favorite ethnic racial klu klux klan stereotype here) some cheering for the death of a human being (fondly bringing back memories of the worldwide fanfare of end of osama) Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
I see nothing wrong with local residents celebrating (for lack of a better word) the end of a crisis that impacted so many. I do not view it any differently than America celebrating the end of WW II, with the notable exception it was on a significantly smaller scale.

If nothing else, Boston's need to "celebrate" was a collaborative sigh of relief for a successful outcome to a serious situation!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-20-2013, 11:05 AM
. Note the reactions around the world to 9/11. I would like to see my country celebrate in a much more subdued, less sporting event manner (adult). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am not responding to the entire post. I only want to say I disagree with the use of the word "accident," here. The harm done was intentional and pre-meditated. Using this word dismisses the ill-will of the culprits. Let's not forget who the real victims are.
This is quite possibly the most ignorant post I've ever read. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say that it IS in fact the most ignorant post I've ever read.

In light of the accident deliberately planting a bomb intended to kill and create the maximum number of casualties possible is no 'accident' in boston

Once again we see (saw) people crowding the streets celebrating the capture/death of the Evil outsiders (insert your favorite ethnic racial klu klux klan stereotype here) some cheering for the death of a human being (fondly bringing back memories of the worldwide fanfare of end of osama)

Once again the perfect scapegoat. Apparently you don't know what the definition of a scapegoat is. A 'scagegoat' generally refers to a person who little or nothing to do with a particular situation, but is singled out to take the blame for the situation, usually selected by the very person or persons who are in fact responsible. It is impossible for these two brothers to be a scapegoat when they were the ones who constructed and planted the bombs. Now as we will continue to watch on the someone else mentioned on here the "dissection" will begin. Experts from all over will chime in same ol same ol like they do with all these accidents on the history & background of those young kids. Whaaaat went wrong? using all logical/rational superficial fancy academic speech. Certainly the common popular most favorite theme scapegoat - were they religious zealots, who do/did they belong to...them vs the rest of us

Notice how instantly we separate ourselves from 'them'. that is because we ARE different from them. They planted bombs, our people rushed into the chaos to help those who's lives had just been forever changed by these bombers. We seek the death or capture only of those who hurt us, they seek the highest body count possible, and if children happen to be the victims, that is even better. Like there is was never any connection. When these accidents happen it is never ever Our responsibility and we certainly won't open our mind to the possibility that there a pattern a culture of disconnection in our society. It's other groups/parts of the world vs us. Because they hurt one of us something is wrong with 'them'. Absolutely has nothing to do with rest of us.

But we all are responsible for setting up the bedrock for these accidents to happen. You tell yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night. I will be damned if I will put on sackcloth and ashes for the misdeeds of others. Particularly when, as a student of history, I know damned good and well that US's hands are among the cleanest of all. If you really want to blame some exterior force for the inability of Muslims to live together peacefully with the rest of the world, talk to England, and talk to Russia.
Now I don't know who those kids were and it doesn't really matter. It could have been me. It could have been you.Oh hell no it could never, ever, in a million YEARS be me. Are you saying that you would put together a bomb to hide amongst a crowd of people then slink away like a coward to watch others die for whatever your particular fanatical cause is? Somewhere along the line they were ...influenced; to see that they are separate from the rest That the most powerful way to make others understand feel what they feel is to show them. Hurt them. Then they will all see. Then they will be understood. And if it means losing their life then so be it. Because they have so little self-worth

What happened has happened and will continue to happen (unless we promote a new worldwide culture) what happened has BEEN happening for nearly 2,000 years now. Uninterrupted, and with very little change in the last two millennia. Its not a cry for help, its not a plea for understanding, it is the very bedrock of Islam. Thus it has always been, thus it shall always be. Forever and ever until the end of Islam itself, if ever such a thing should occur. is a cry for help. It's a message a self-reflection of us...What we are All About who have we become who are we becoming where are we going

I have nothing but deep compassion and Love for all these misguided misunderstood Soulswell you can have all the compassion you want for them. Rest assured, the said can not be said of you from them. ...these are the most in need of our love. And I pray that as we go about in our ordinary lives that we keep our eyes and hearts open to be able to see who is in need, who needs help, look inside of people ...before wounds can manifest and fester into more accidents.Once again, just to be VERY clear, this was no accident. These boys didn't accidentally trip and drop a bomb. They took the time to build the devices. They probably went to some secluded spot where they could detonate a few 'test runs' before planting the real thing. Then they coldly and deliberately detonated them with the full intention of creating as much carnage as possible. To insist on calling their actions an 'accident' is ten magnitudes beyond ignorant.

It's never too late to save someone or be saved Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
LexusLover's Avatar
This is quite possibly the most ignorant post I've ever read. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say that it IS in fact the most ignorant post I've ever read. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

One correction: the guy shot and the other captured were not "boys"!

When they sealed the lids on those pressure cookers, ....

... they graduated to adults regardless of their birthdays. But in this instance ...

.... they were adults when they poured in the ball bearings and nails.

Cowardly adults. Not men.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Come now Sins, the "most" ignorant post? Think of all the things that FuckZup has posted. That is a pretty big thing to accept.
Come now Sins, the "most" ignorant post? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
While at it, don't forget to include the "ignorant" shit you, SOLF and Trendy have posted.

Most especially Trendy, that idiot is dangerously close to going over the cliff!
I am not responding to the entire post. I only want to say I disagree with the use of the word "accident," here. The harm done was intentional and pre-meditated. Using this word dismisses the ill-will of the culprits. Let's not forget who the real victims are. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
That's some good stuff right there, Sins. Nicely done.
Maybe she meant "incidents" rather than "accidents"?

I don't know Zarafina. Is English her first or second language?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-20-2013, 05:49 PM
This is quite possibly the most ignorant post I've ever read. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say that it IS in fact the most ignorant post I've ever read. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Let us not forget that ignorant shit you posted a couple of week's ago! you have to be three dimensional to have feelings and hope and understanding for your fellow man. Part of what she is saying if not for the grace of God, there go I' hate the sin people, love the sinner.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think if you change the word from "accident" to "incident" or more likely, "unfortunate incident", her translation makes more sense. Really, do we want to get revenge against these misguided, propagandized youth, or do we want to know the root cause of why so much of the world hates us and wants to bomb and maim us. They hate us enough to give up their own lives to kill us. They have Imans who talk about how evil we are. They curse us and wish us ill will.
Miss Sarafina is perhaps pointing out the we can try different things to try to reach out to the world with a smile and love, and quit scorning our enemies as subhumans. She is pointing out valuable perspectives we could try.
We have 300 million people here in the US, in a world of 6 billion. Can't we all just get along?