Since Sept 11, 2001 - Attacks by terrorist under Bush = 0, Under Obama = 5

Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I'm guessing that using your math, the attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan don't count? You know, the ones that have resulted in thousands of dead Americans?

Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Damn, another STUPID LIBTARD! No, those are operations. They are not terrorist attacks. You need to go back to school. Your literacy sucks!

I'm guessing that using your math, the attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan don't count? You know, the ones that have resulted in thousands of dead Americans?

Moron. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm guessing that using your math, the attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan don't count? You know, the ones that have resulted in thousands of dead Americans?

Moron. Originally Posted by timpage
You mean the same Iraq and Afghanistan that your beloved Hillary Clinton and John Kerry supported sending US troops to?
I'm guessing that using your math, the attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan don't count? You know, the ones that have resulted in thousands of dead Americans?

Moron. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm guessing that you used your video watching skills and missed the part where the speaker said "in the United States." Moron.

I actually disagree with the video. There was a Muslim who pulled out a gun at LAX and killed two people in 2002. My recollection is he used an AK47. His motivation was religious. It happened under the Bush II admin and is clearly the work of a terrorist although he appeared to be a lone wolf from what was conveyed in the press.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2013, 08:29 PM
maybe they weren't real happy the way Bush helped them get a purple thumb

I'm guessing that you used your video watching skills and missed the part where the speaker said "in the United States." Moron.

I actually disagree with the video. There was a Muslim who pulled out a gun at LAX and killed two people in 2002. My recollection is he used an AK47. His motivation was religious. It happened under the Bush II admin and is clearly the work of a terrorist although he appeared to be a lone wolf from what was conveyed in the press. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And I guess you missed the title of the original post fucking 'tard. Eat shit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
How do you spell failure? OBAMA! Originally Posted by dante0322
Add up how many Terrorist/Taliban/Al=Queada militants were killed under Bush and than compare it to Obama. In Obama's first 4 years his administration killed more terrorist than Bush's 8 years combined.
Oh and let's not forget George W. Bush famous line- you know the one where he said he doesn't know where OBL is nor is concerned about him.
And I guess you missed the title of the original post fucking 'tard. Eat shit. Originally Posted by timpage
Nope moron. The title is just part of the post. You are just intellectually lazy and drew a incorrect conclusion. So eat your own shit....that I fed you.
Add up how many Terrorist/Taliban/Al=Queada militants were killed under Bush and than compare it to Obama. In Obama's first 4 years his administration killed more terrorist than Bush's 8 years combined.
Oh and let's not forget George W. Bush famous line- you know the one where he said he doesn't know where OBL is nor is concerned about him. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Got a link for that stat?

Its likely that all the terrorists save UBL were killed with drones under Obama. You remember the drones. When Bush used them to kill AQ and the Taliban he was a baby murderer and war criminal. Now, when Obama uses them the President is bright and resourceful.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is actually worse than that:

-- The six Long Island railroad passengers murdered in 1993 by Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson. Before the shooting, Ferguson was unemployed, harassing women on subways, repeatedly bringing lawsuits against police and former employers, applying for workman's compensation for fake injuries and blaming all his problems on white people. Whom he then decided to murder.

-- The two people killed outside CIA headquarters in 1993 by Pakistani illegal immigrant Mir Qazi. He had been working as a driver for a courier company. (It's nearly impossible to find an American who can drive.)

-- Christoffer Burmeister, a 27 year-old musician killed in a mass shooting by Palestinian immigrant Ali Hassan Abu Kamal in 1997 at the Empire State Building. Hassan had immigrated to America with his family two months earlier at age 68. (It's a smart move to bring in immigrants just in time to pay them Social Security benefits!)

-- Bill Cosby's son, Ennis, killed in 1997 by 18-year-old Ukrainian immigrant Mikhail Markhasev, who had come to this country with his single mother eight years earlier -- because we were running short on single mothers.

Markhasev, who had a juvenile record, shot Cosby point-blank for taking too long to produce his wallet. He later bragged about killing a "n*gger."

-- The three people murdered at the Appalachian School of Law in 2002 by Nigerian immigrant Peter Odighizuwa, angry at America because he had failed out of law school. At least it's understandable why our immigration policies would favor a 43-year-old law student. It's so hard to get Americans to go to law school these days!

-- The stewardess and passenger murdered by Egyptian immigrant Hesham Mohamed Hadayet when he shot up the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport in 2002. Hesham, a desperately needed limousine driver, received refugee status in the U.S. because he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Apparently, that's a selling point if you want to immigrate to America.

-- The six men murdered by Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia at the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in Chicago in 2003, from which he had been fired six months earlier. Tapia was still in this country despite having been arrested at least a dozen times on weapons and assault charges. Only foreign newspapers mentioned that Tapia was an immigrant. American newspapers blamed the gun.

-- The six people killed in northern Wisconsin in 2004 by Hmong immigrant Chai Soua Vang, who shot his victims in the back after being caught trespassing on their property. Minnesota Public Radio later explained that Hmong hunters don't understand American laws about private property, endangered species, or really any laws written in English. It was an unusual offense for a Hmong, whose preferred crime is raping 12- to 14-year-old girls -- as extensively covered in the Fresno Bee and Minneapolis Star Tribune.

-- The five people murdered at the Trolley Square Shopping Mall in Salt Lake City by Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic in 2007. Talovic was a Muslim high school dropout with a juvenile record. No room for you, Swedish doctor. We need resentful Muslims!

-- The 32 people murdered at Virginia Tech in 2007 by Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean immigrant.

-- The 13 soldiers murdered at Fort Hood in 2009 by "accused" shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, son of Palestinian immigrants. Hasan's parents had operated a restaurant in Roanoke, Va., because where are we going to find Americans to do that?

-- The 13 people killed at the American Civic Association in Binghamton, N.Y., by Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong, who became a naturalized citizen two years after being convicted of fraud and forgery in California. Wong was angry that people disrespected him for his poor English skills.

-- Florence Donovan-Gunderson, who was shot along with her husband, and three National Guardsmen in a Carson City IHOP gunned down by Mexican immigrant Eduardo Sencion in 2011.

-- The three people, including a 15-year-old girl, murdered in their home in North Miami by Kesler Dufrene, a Haitian immigrant and convicted felon who had been arrested nine times, but was released when Obama halted deportations to Haiti after the earthquake. Dufrene chose the house at random.

-- The many African-Americans murdered by Hispanic gangs in Los Angeles in the last few years, including Jamiel Shaw Jr., a star football player being recruited by Stanford; Cheryl Green, a 14-year-old eighth-grade student chosen for murder solely because she was black; and Christopher Ash, who witnessed Green's murder.

During the three years from 2010 through 2012, immigrants have committed about a dozen mass murders in this country, not including the 9/11 attack.

The mass murderers were from Afghanistan, South Korea, Vietnam, Haiti, South Africa, Ethiopia and Mexico. None were from Canada or Western Europe.

The body count continues to grow under our feckless CIC.

Reprinted from Ann Coulter's column
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2013, 01:51 AM
How do you spell failure? OBAMA! Originally Posted by dante0322

How do you spell simpleminded idiot ... dante 0322

how special you decided to excuse Bush for being the president when the most devastating terrorist attack in the history of this country took place. 911 took place on his watch regardless how you word your childish analogy. Compare both presidents entire time in office or shut your mouth little boy.
It is actually worse than that: Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't see a single act there that can be defined as "terrorism" without expanding the definition to include all criminal acts of a violent nature.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-26-2013, 03:12 AM
Well I'm scared shitless now....

Do any of you rightwing dipshit understand that the odds are higher that you will die of lightening than a terrorist?