Westboro Arrested.

BigLouie's Avatar
Not sure if this is true or not, hope it is. Found this on Facebook.

So Westboro "Baptist Church" showed up here in Texas at the memorial service in West for the first responders who lost their lives in the explosion. The Chief of Police promptly had all 20 or so of them arrested and put into holding cells (all the men in one and all the women in another) When they told him he couldn't do that, he let them know HE could. Since he hadn't officially charged them, he could hold them for 24 hours before he had to charge them or let them go! (plenty of time to hold the memorial service). I guess Westboro didn't think it through too well... This is Texas. As quickly as we fry people down here, did they really think they would be allowed to show that kind of disrespect?? Their photos were also released to the other small towns surrounding West, where services would be denied to them. Sometimes you just have to admire the way we do things down here in Texas!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I agree with you, FatLouie!!
Not sure if this is true or not, hope it is. Found this on Facebook.

So Westboro "Baptist Church" showed up here in Texas at the memorial service in West for the first responders who lost their lives in the explosion. The Chief of Police promptly had all 20 or so of them arrested and put into holding cells (all the men in one and all the women in another) When they told him he couldn't do that, he let them know HE could. Since he hadn't officially charged them, he could hold them for 24 hours before he had to charge them or let them go! (plenty of time to hold the memorial service). I guess Westboro didn't think it through too well... This is Texas. As quickly as we fry people down here, did they really think they would be allowed to show that kind of disrespect?? Their photos were also released to the other small towns surrounding West, where services would be denied to them. Sometimes you just have to admire the way we do things down here in Texas! Originally Posted by BigLouie

gotta give a shout out to Texas !!!!!
gotta give a shout out to Texas !!!!! Originally Posted by i'va biggen
As a Texan, I certainly understand that we are known to do things our own way.

But, we are also part of the United States of America, and we have a Constitution. The First Amendment prohibits the Government, under the peaceful assembly clause, of doing what this Police Chief did. The Chief is part of the Government.

Of course, it all hinges on that word "peaceably". I would expect lawsuites, and for this Chief to be procecuted for civil rights violations.

That being said, if every member of this so called "curch" all died tomorrow, the world would be better off.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not sure if this is true or not, hope it is. Found this on Facebook. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The really sad thing is that the people of Texas would understand with all the compassion that we possess that these poor sick individuals from a so called church are just deranged and in no way representative of any sort of Christian faith. Actually, that is not a sad thing.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Have to wonder the same as Jackie S.

I hate the fucks as a Vet myself and as an American but I also love the Constitution. You shouldnt have the ability to lock people up just because you disagree with them.

On another note I wish the WBC would fall off the face of the earth.
LexusLover's Avatar
You shouldnt have the ability to lock people up just because you disagree with them. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I'm suspecting they will get locked up for "disturbing the peace" ....

... they can explain their "constitutional rights" to the local JP.

Have to wonder the same as Jackie S.

I hate the fucks as a Vet myself and as an American but I also love the Constitution. You shouldnt have the ability to lock people up just because you disagree with them.

On another note I wish the WBC would fall off the face of the earth. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

No protest permit
Sometimes things just work out right.

I would like to see the trial, before a jury in THAT county, right after all that happened.

The miracle (and tribute to our Constitution) is that these ass wipes don't get their asses wiped raising hell at someone's funeral.

They are loud mouthed, attention seeking cowards!

Old Dingus
  • 04-29-2013, 11:23 AM
you have to be different to get follower from other churches .... dont sneak in my room when i leave
LexusLover's Avatar
Were they actually arrested? I thought they got a warning from the Sheriff?
LexusLover's Avatar
No protest permit Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Lord knows, they got enough trash to clean up there without adding a bunch of ...

.. carpetbaggers to the pile.
Gotyour6's Avatar
No protest permit Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Good enough for me, let them sit in a cell.
They know the game
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Good enough for me, let them sit in a cell.
They know the game Originally Posted by Gotyour6
+1, then the Chief realizes his mistake, drops all charges and releases them with a "heartfelt" apology. Gosh, so sorry you missed the funerals :-(, my mistake.

They can sue all they want, but they have to do it in a court in front of a Judge or Jury and how do you think that is going to go in Texas? See, Jury nullification can actually sometimes be a good thing!