Well, that was an interesting visit to the AMP.

Samhyde's Avatar
So I've been going to this local AMP in the suburbs for a while now (maybe 5 or 6 visits total). I like it because it's close and the lady I see gives an awesome rub down.

Normally, I go, and it's just a rub and tug and I'm outta there. Today, when I went, it was a little different. As she's doing the rub part, she keeps whispering in my ear: "We're gonna play later". At the time, I'm thinking to myself: "yeah, don't we always?"

Then the flip came. She immediately disrobes which she never does. I'm thinking "cool", then she starts to give me an awesome BJ. After that, she instructs me to get up off the table. She then lays down on it and gestures for me to go to town. Which I did of course.

So why am I posting this? Well, one part brag I guess (I still paid her my standard $60 tip. Would have paid more but I didn't bring more cash with me) , but I'd also like to know: Is this typical? I mean, when you become a regular, do the masseuses tend to get more and more naughty?

I wouldn't know because up until recently, I never went to the same AMP more than twice. I guess I've been doing it wrong.
Maybe you just caught her on a horney day? I’ve been to the same suburb AMPs to where the girls recognize me by name and still don’t get much more than L1.
shooter6.5's Avatar
tell us the AMP and we will let you know
No I have not found that to be the normal at all. But lucky you!
  • grean
  • 11-16-2018, 02:13 PM
Well I bet she sure as hell made a customer for life! Next time I'd be sure to tip her graciously up front so she continues that level of service!
funkychunkymonkey's Avatar
I think most sub-amps are really the ultimate YMMV in the hobby. There's just so many variables in play that determine the individual experience; the general attitude of the lady, her experiences that day/week/month, what she thinks of you (are you young, clean, fit, shaved, and handsome versus old, smelly, fat, hairy, and gross), how many times you've seen her, if she remembers you, how well you've tipped, and probably a hundred other things.

There's some general guidelines one can follow to try to maximize enjoyment, but it's really just an elusive treasure hunt with a lot of hidden prizes, which is probably why some folks enjoy it.

I've found it's a combination of familiarity (aka frequency of visits), tipping history, a gent's attitude (Being grabby and aggressive gets me NOWHERE), rapport, how busy and/or well staffed the office is (hard for a gal to get naked and into a session if she has to jump up and answer the damn door) and the mood she's in.

Good going Bashar !! You are having a whale of time at Sub-amps !! You lucky brat !
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm seeing more tails (I mean tales, LOL) like this recently.

maybe some Sub-AMPs are looking to goose revenues, and going further in service with known regulars? guys they have identified as safe and willing to spend and "receive"?
MT Pockets's Avatar
I wonder if losing Backpage and CL for advertising has made them step up their game.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I wonder if losing Backpage and CL for advertising has made them step up their game. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I think it's more than that.. they lost those outlets some time ago, and the service leap is very recent.

of course, it could be they suffered for many months, until they decided "we need to put out or be shut out"!
JimInDallas's Avatar
This is the wrong forum for my message.

top that
Samhyde a similar thing happened to me yesterday. I really just went in for a massage and HE to help with a stress headache and next thing I know she is bottomless and tells me she lay down. I did daty her to a shaking O.

Play safe