When you know you've been spending too much time on ECCIE

NeedingMore's Avatar
ECCIE is a place I like to go to get away from the real world.

However, I think I've been spending too much time on here.

Case in point, today, I was going to some reports at work. Now my company has gone a little acronym happy, so I'm starting to read them in hobby terms and not work terms. I nearly spit coffee all over my monitor when someone asked for CIM and DFK.

Other acronyms I see on a daily basis that confuse me: MSOG, CG, and CBJ.

Anyone else have this problem?
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 02-23-2011, 12:14 PM
I can arrange some help for you...

Excellus's Avatar
I know exactly what you mean NeedingMore.

I flipped over to watch Stars hockey the other night and I looked at the score and it said DAL 1, CBJ 1.

Did a double take and realized they were playing the Columbus Blue Jackets. Made me laugh out loud.

Another one: I sometimes consult with clients in the medical field and they talk about "providers" and "members". Although they tend to mean "physicians" and "health plan subscribers", it still cracks me up from time to time.
  • hd
  • 02-25-2011, 01:20 PM
If these unwitting people really knew what we were thinking?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
was at the gym today and they got a couple big tv's displaying fitness tips and stuff. saw it saying something about scheduling your free fitness evaluation... then it said 'your session will last about one hour'.

and it cracks me up every time i change the volume level on my cell phone... i'm usually a L3 guy, but i can settle for L1 or L2 under the right circumstances. but kinda L4 scares me.
St.Mateo's Avatar
lol i was talking to my insurance carrier and the sexy voice on the other end asked who" my personal provider " was I never had it said that way before and for a split second thought the voice on the other end was a gal who knows ya know. I almost said Isabel Merc...then caught myself I wonder how many gals who do this also have other careers in the insurance industry as well lol
NeedingMore's Avatar
I was at the grocery store today, and while leaning over to pick up a bottle I knocked over, I look up and see a bottle labeled GREEK (salad dressing) staring me in the face.

I laughed out loud and some people stared at me. I think the wood I was getting just by thinking about it was going to be more embarassing, so I scurried off.
How can I become a Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO??
omg what an unfortunate event.

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NeedingMore's Avatar
How can I become a Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO?? Originally Posted by AimeeAims

If Blue Shield won't take you, you can be my PPO