Ncns Chanel What the Hell

User ID: Chanel81
Date: 01/30/2022
Name: Chanel
Phone: 850-280-5321
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page):
City: Pensacola
State: Florida
Address: Pcola but travles
Appointment Type: Outcall
Activities: Did not happen please read
Duration of Encounter: Multi-hour
Hair Length and Color: Not sure she did not show
Age: -
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Don't know she never showed up
Recommendation: No
I only saw her once and it was good. Thought she can be my regular.
My last few attempts to see her have been futile. Guess I will move on
I thought she moved? I saw her several times, her time management isn't very good but I wouldn't have expected her to NCNS for a multi-hour.
User ID: Chanel81
Date: 01/30/2022
Name: Chanel
Phone: 850-280-5321
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page):
City: Pensacola
State: Florida
Address: Pcola but travles
Appointment Type: Outcall
Activities: Did not happen please read
Duration of Encounter: Multi-hour
Hair Length and Color: Not sure she did not show
Age: -
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Don't know she never showed up
Recommendation: No Originally Posted by Bender68
My review...scheduled to see at 8pm ish. She showed up at 1am.

Good Luck

kindafun's Avatar
If she’s too stupid to understand what “stood up” means, she’s probably in the wrong business!
Chanelw81's Avatar
Hi there everyone! This guy is at it I'm not stupid at all. In fact I'm extremely intelligent. I guess people can't understand that life happens sometimes and expect everyone to be perfect like them. Well bad news sweetie..shit happens. Get over it.
Chanelw81's Avatar
I'm still here in pensacola sweetie. I've been having a really hard time. My boyfriend of 5 years just passed away unexpectedly..I never was able to make the move to PCB. I'm pretty sure I'm moving back to California pretty soon though..
Chanelw81's Avatar
Hey sweetie give me a shout..8504802998