Bad review from bigsteel

NikkiLuv92's Avatar
If any one has questions about this feel free to pm me . I'd be more than happy to explain why he wrote it and his reasoning .thank you
Why must we pm you for an explanation, just post your side and move on.
Idk, I kinda like the more discrete approach here where it's not turning into a public slap fight.

The nebby part of me really wants to know tho
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
Sorry I just don't prefer to publicly bash anyone especially because I gave him another opportunity I don't like to disappoint anybody.
Sorry I just don't prefer to publicly bash anyone especially because I gave him another opportunity I don't like to disappoint anybody. Originally Posted by NikkiLuv92
Bullshit....the real reason is you dont want to give him the chance to rebut your excuses. You think because we pay for blowjobs we are fucking idiots? Give me a break.
eyecu2's Avatar
Nikki- you don't have to bash him, just state your side. Nobody is going to PM you to find out that there is a reason things got fucked up. Things get fucked up, but if you want people to know you are a provider worth seeing, you need to post in public and simply own your part, or point out what happened. He claims you dragged your ass over his way with shitty communication. If that's true, then own it. If you were out of gas, own it. If you were visiting someone along the way, own it, but don't come here and suggest that you have a private reason, and that it's going to piss off the OP. He's a big boy and I'm sure will correct any portion that he feels is inaccurate. But all that said, if you are looking for sympathetic ears, they are likely not here. We can all empathize with gas, and traffic etc,. but it had better be a much better real reason than that. My 2 cents.
Nikki- you don't have to bash him, just state your side. Nobody is going to PM you to find out that there is a reason things got fucked up. Things get fucked up, but if you want people to know you are a provider worth seeing, you need to post in public and simply own your part, or point out what happened. He claims you dragged your ass over his way with shitty communication. If that's true, then own it. If you were out of gas, own it. If you were visiting someone along the way, own it, but don't come here and suggest that you have a private reason, and that it's going to piss off the OP. He's a big boy and I'm sure will correct any portion that he feels is inaccurate. But all that said, if you are looking for sympathetic ears, they are likely not here. We can all empathize with gas, and traffic etc,. but it had better be a much better real reason than that. My 2 cents. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Totally agree here. Will only post in PM cause I dont bash anyone feels like a bullshit story.
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
Ya win some ya lose some. I am not going to let something this silly discourage me, I'll just step my game up . I do have all screenshots of messages from the interaction with the person.I really feel like people are taking this to seriously , first of all look at the price he was asking , clearly I was not seeing him in the first place the girl I was with was going to see him. And if everyone would like to know ...What happened was I had some girl with me that day he wanted to see her only wanted to pay $40 so I told him I wasn't seeing him but she possibly would so I took too long to ask her and then told him I wasn't home that I would tell him when I was home so he drove to Highland Park when I told him I wasn't home and then flipped out saying I lied and wasn't honest because he waited and then said it was too late then messaged me the next day I told him yes and he said that it was too late again and then I messaged him and said I really don't like to disappoint anyone I really didn't want bad review over another girl that didn't even work out n I would see him free of charge n he went n wrote that...I would never disappoint any of my clients . That's why I didn't continue to work with that girl because I didn't want to ruin my good reputation I try my best to satisfy and make everyone happy. I'm honestly a sweet girl that truly does care about satisfaction but I guess I can't make everyone happy. But I will do my best and that is all I can do. But I will guarantee that you come & see me , you will disagree with the opinions on the review
Everything i said was 100% accurate. I have no reason to lie and nothing to gain. She did offer to see me for free and i declined. So draw ur own conclusions. Im done commenting and couldn't care less what is said from here on out. I just like to give guys honest info. Not bullshit fluff reviews like TOS.
Hematoma's Avatar
Proper communication and consideration during appointment scheduling is very important. I can't stress that enough. He didn't even see you, but the poor communication and "stringing him along" ruined his perception of you and wasted his time. Providers need to learn this (sometimes the hard way). As hobbyists, we have jobs, families, etc. that require our attention. If we schedule 1 hour, then that's all the time we have. We can't be driving around "the scenic route of bumfuck Pittsburgh" forever. If you don't respect the client's time then you will get backlash and deservedly so. Be specific, clear and prompt in communication and things may go better.
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
I respect everyone's point of view and opinions. I don't ever like to sound like im making excuses so I will take this under the chin and move on.I will take everything into consideration and step up all aspects of my efforts. Thanks
eyecu2's Avatar
Applaud you Nikki as you did exactly what was suggested. We all realize there are two sides to a coin, and sometimes shit gets messed up. You owned your part and that is not common so I commend you. Now....back to those specials....
Not everyone can get out of the house when and as often as they like so when they do, it can be disappointing to waste your time and not be able to see anyone.
Yes, better management of time and communication is key. Like stated here, we all have lives outside of this and making time and rearranging schedules isn't always easy or convenient. Plus, there's the excitement and anticipation of meeting someone and when/if that isn't going to happen (especially a last minute thing) the whole situation can go south very quickly. This is what appears to have happened with the one provider acting as a intermediate to another provider. My suggestion would be avoid adding others into the mix.

For some of us, that can be a absolute deal breaker and no offers for a "future" make up can make up for it. Communication has become so prevalent and easy that there aren't to many legitimate excuses to cancel on someone at the last absolute minute. I know for myself that timely, effective, and reciprocal communication is an absolute and I refuse to deal with those that don't share that same idea.

Its good both sides were told, and assuming all is true, let's hope both parties can move on and take something away from this.