Why I stopped....

Reading all these stories lately makes me recall why I finally threw in the towel on the hobby ( I literally participate on this site strictly for entertainment, although part of me finds SA sort of fascinating)...

Picked up a Latina SW in Orlando about 20 years ago. She had a room, and wanted to do doggy.... so that she could light up her staff edit to remove drug regerence. Oh and by the way it turned out to be her time of the month as well. Afterwards she wanted me to take her shopping for jeans... at 3am.

That was it. Got married about a year later.... haven't crossed the line except for an occasional lap dance in Vegas.

Be careful out there.....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You cannot discuss illicit drugs, drug use, drug paraphernalia on this board.
pittlicker's Avatar
Nor should you discuss 20 year old bullshit. Sign off
tatasddd's Avatar
Yeah get the fuck out of here. I do not care about marriage and love prostitutes. Go to your wife.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
lots of these guys will fuck anything that weighs around 100 pounds with a pulse.