Concerning websites....

Hannabeth's Avatar
Does a lady with a free websites deter you from making the decision to meet her? Does it say to you she is unprofessional, and does not take her business seriously, since she did not spend the money to have one built by a design company? Does it say to you, that perhaps, she is on the low end of the spectrum when concerning the escort caste system? What about the other free website generators? Does that scream unsuccessful escort to you? Does it really matter to you how expensive and/or flashy it is, as long as it provides the information you seek?
fireproof's Avatar
The intention for the website is simply to convey the information pertaining to what the provider is offering. I honestly don't go to the website if the information is conveniently portrayed in the showcase. You really don't need a site if you can readily provide the end user with the information they are looking for. The top 3 items I personally look for is the pictures, rates, and reviews. That can all be obtained from a well thought out show case. Just my 2 cents.
big boi terry's Avatar
I am in agreement with fireproof, besides, i've met providers that advertise using both a professional site as well as the escorts sites, and a woman that is quality, is quality, doesn't matter what type of site she uses, just my opinion. BBT in Memphis.
willro's Avatar
I agree with both fireproof and bigboi. I'm always looking for photos, rates, basic profile info, reviews, and contact info. All of this can be found with a well established profile and showcase here on ECCIE and/or a couple of the other boards. I don't think another website is even necessary. It doesn't make me think she is more professional, but I definitely would not think she is less professional for using a free hosting web location. It's just good TCB skills to save money, right?
I fully agree with the other gentlemen.
  • rwiz
  • 06-17-2012, 10:33 PM
I'm very cautious when i see free sites , it is easy to create fake web sites using webs/weebly etc and i dont trust them. Anyone can create a fake site with images from web, add info, reviews etc. Any LE can create one. If i see free site i try to see if this provider is verified on other sites and is currently active.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 06-28-2012, 10:43 PM
I purchase my own hosting for about $80 per year, upload the wordpress app and use a free wordpress theme on my own hosting domain.
Any pics, text, and/or content you place on a free site officially belongs to the owner of the site once you place it there and they can do what they want with it. Just a thought.
A lady with a website doesn't need a showcase. If eccie goes down you are shit out of luck so stay in control of your own destiny is my motto.

All my content is housed on a domain owned by me! And I don't want to have to update 20-leven sites when I take new pics et cetera just link to them from your own website and you have no need for image hosting either.
PS Just make sure you privatize the domain otherwise anyone can find out all your real info if you don't.