Tough Titty Said The Kitty....

And the thread went dead. Lol! No more participation for me over in my neck of the woods.
I'll keep my location as 'Wichita and Kansas' but that's about it. Hell, everyone knows where the fuck I'm at. I just dont foresee me talking to myself anymore over there......

Hehe. I do that enough as is.

It seems such a waste of space now. And, I agree with Milly and others, its dumb to put Topeka way over with Wichita. Now, it seems we're some hick town with only 1 hooker and 3 guys. That's it!

But I guess ya cant please everybody! Lol.

.............................. ......chi...rrr...rpp

chhhh........... Oh, nevermind! Lol
Roflmao nice one Gemma
I'd give it a month or 2 to catch on. The kc board was even slow this week. I agree kc/lawrence/topeka should still be grouped as a region.
zeejoe's Avatar
Case of 'careful what you wish for' for the ICT peeps, i'm afraid.

I know. Wonder if I was part of the 'I want my own section' group??? Lol. Oops. Lesson learned me well.
Case of 'careful what you wish for' for the ICT peeps, i'm afraid.

Originally Posted by zeejoe
Oops! I meant to quote your message zeejoe. I fed off of it. Lol
I thought a Wichita section made sense but I would have to agree it is not helpful at this point.

I would also agree that Topeka needs to be part of KC.

Right now if you in Wichita or Topeka you have to check both.

Maybe a few months and it will catch on and be viable.
  • JLmoe
  • 10-13-2014, 09:49 AM
For a second there I thought Gemma had moved to Topeka. Got all excited for a second.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I responded. Remember, I said that I will still need some occasional dick? he he

I see what you are saying though. I like having the Wichita section separate for ads when traveling. I may be in Wichita a portion of the week and KC another portion of the week. It helps in that scenario. It seems like we all like to converse in one area though.

It may good for the reviews to be separated too though for the visiting guys in a particular city looking.
knight rider's Avatar
I for one am glad it's over. The back and forth on it was often uglier than it needed to be. Having lived in both places over the years, I'm good either way. Others are more passionate. So let's "lighten up, Francis." Maybe it's time for a Dave's Top 10 at 10:

#10. OldSarge can post videos in peace again. Which we liked more than we'll say.

#9. No more bum-rush about fairness and equity anytime we got a new Mod around here (props to Omahan for politely fending off the tide).

#8. The USAS*G* guys won't feel like the Maytag repairman anymore (although they won't be any less grumpy). "ECCIE-who?" Miss you guys; have a chocolate and smile. Trivia tip - Gordon Jump,the guy who played the final Maytag repairman, got a degree from KSU and lived in Topeka!

#7. COG won't have to keep switching avatars.

#6. Cheaper still won't know where the hell he is either way.

#5. Froggy calls the Wichita forum home. Enjoy the silence.

You folks are creative - fill in the top 4.