
pyramider's Avatar
I am not referring to premature ejaculation. I am not referring to premature births. I am referring to prematurely closing threads. Strong statements were allowed to be made in open forum but the defending one's name to those statements in open forum is a no-no. This is all too common occurrence on the icky.
I agree threads often get closed to quickly. I've never really understood what everybody is so afraid of.

I wish mods had a statistic under their avatar that showed how many threads they close. I have a suspicion that some may have an inordinate amount more than others.
I know.

Even on the last one about "I'm NBA" blah blah,

I had really bitten my tongue. I wasn't even throwing names. Puh-lease. I was stating what the obvious WAS rather than what everyone else was crying foul about.

I've gotten actual warnings for WAY WORSE behavior. I find the big bad "points warning" as you close the threads BS when no one was really acting out of line. And on top of that - allowing troll behavior to keep on and on quite bullshittish after closing our conversations down. Yeah. I said it.

Seems people can't hardly dribble on the seat when taking a piss without getting shit shut down.

No fun at all I say.

Chipper mentioned on Stupid's thread something about us not encouraging others to post.

Uh - really? No one posts unless it gets exciting. And on top of it - Stupid is Stupid. You should read the drivel he was rambling in the Reviews section calling Logan an inexperienced idiot. Really, LOGAN. Come on. Whatever Stupid got, Stupid deserved.

We are adults here - ON A HOOKER BOARD. Not little children in a government run school who need teachers telling us we were bad or crying that we got our feelings hurt. If we can handle the exchange of money for sex - WE SHOULD ALL BE ABLE TO HANDLE A FEW POKES AND PRODS ON HERE.

If not, then we are just the old P that they have up and running - you know, Where there's like One post a month?

If folks wanted boring and blah - then we'd all be over there checking in once a month to see who posted.
Covered already. Close this one.
Premature is the WORD.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-21-2012, 06:32 PM
At times it seems as if there is an agenda regarding closing threads...
LazurusLong's Avatar
It's a double edged sword.

Drama increases page hits which help pay the bills. But once the drama hits a certain level, it typically is better to close threads.

But the base issue posted here is the lack of ability to "defend" yourself on an Interwebs board.


Who has that photo about fighting on the Internet being like competing in the Special Olympics where you might win but still be retarded?

There is an option for the staff and yes, you hear the Staff say that they don't like to edit and remove things but that to me is a bigger issue.

PLENTY of edits done all the time where things are removed but at the same time, personal attacks or other blatant rule violations are left in place and rarely is there a staff tag inserted when things are edited or even when left in place.

It gets back to the basics of what the customers want which is consistent actions by staff and that should include a tag ANYTIME a post is changed.

If the post is a personal attack, remove it and insert in red something like:
"Staff Edit. Personal attacks prohibited and do result in sanctions"

I'd wager that for most things that are left in place that caused the RTM in the first place, removing the crap and inserting the above text might show the staff is taking corrective action would begin the process of reminding folks that yes this is a hobby board but that sort of posting is not allowed.

The staff inaction of not removing an attack, which appears to be a carryover from back in the ASPD days here, keeps the decline of civility heading downward.

On other non-hobby boards I'm on, the staff removes the crap either by hiding it in tags only for the staff and owners to review or simply dumping it to trash.

No matter where it ends up, as long as it is gone and the Staff makes note if the corrective action, those other sites end up with a hell of a lot less of that shit.

As to the other issue addressed about thinking certain staff may be quicker to close threads the only way that could ever be measured properly would be to see a breakdown of hours logged on into activies such as review approval, error correction, responding to urgent RTMs dealing with forbidden subjects, and finally, responding to RTMs with drama to see closure rates.

Each of the tasks for staff must have priorities and I'd bet that after dealing with a ton of RTMs on the same thread over asshole comments, the quick and dirty thing to do is to close it and let things simmer down. BUT that should mean a staff note.

NOT a note on which staff member but just the staff closed it and the reason maybe like this:
"Staff Edit. Personal attacks have resulted in thread closure. Sanctions awarded"

It seems and feels like a lot of folks would feel better if they were provided such info and the lack of information on here by staff may be the actual culprit.
pyramider's Avatar
Or consistency in enforcing rules is another way to deal with things.
LazurusLong's Avatar
It gets back to the basics of what the customers want which is consistent actions by staff and that should include a tag ANYTIME a post is changed. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Or consistency in enforcing rules is another way to deal with things. Originally Posted by pyramider
As I said in my reply, consistency is critical whether it be the application of the rules or any other volunteer duties the staff takes on when they start.
You get what you get with volunteers.

I vote pyramider has to be a mod if he doesn't quit bitchin about them.

Laz Long would make a fine mod also
pyramider's Avatar
Someone needs some fresh air.
I'm outside now.....
Y'all might think I'm smoking something but I think Laz really would be a good mod.

Much as some of you like to get in pissing contests with him.

He's got my vote. (no bullshit)
Iaintliein's Avatar
Hmmmm, maybe TNT for mod?
Bloodhound's Avatar
Any body would be better than one of the mods we now have. I do agree with LL being a mod. I do think he would be fair with everyone and not let the title go to his head as some have done.