whos the boss?

The senior partner at my firm that I usually work for tends to have the same taste in women as I do. Sometimes I can't help but wonder whether he's been with a few of you guys as I have.

Is it just me or do other people wonder just how small the community can be?
I do wonder that myself. Every time I pass by a business man in a suite I think...hmm. what might his handle be?
Thought this was going too be about the old televison show. Who's the Boss. lol
Haha I was 4 or something when that show was on...
Crimson32's Avatar
It's funny you post this because a senior partner of mine had been the one to introduce me to this realm. Funny how it all got started. I'm not going to mention his handle cause I could lose my job!! Ha, . There is no telling how many of you guys work in the same building with me that he had introduced you to Eccie or ASPD.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
It would be nice to have two guys who work at the same office come over at the same time for lunch break ... you both would be high fiving all WEEK! (inside joke) hehe, plus talking about hitting two birds with one stone
It would be nice to have two guys who work at the same office come over at the same time for lunch break ... you both would be high fiving all WEEK! (inside joke) hehe, plus talking about hitting two birds with one stone Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Haha wonder if I could use that at my year end performance review.
Pure Kitty Lover's Avatar
One of the Executive Managers at my work place got me in the hobby. As far as seeing the same Ladies I don't think we have. He stays with one Lady and I know I haven't met her and I won't till he stops seeing her. Would be a little strange in my mind. BUT is the bud stops seeing her, I going to give it one hell of a shot!!!!!
I go to several clubs on a regular basis when I am in town. It did not take long to ID another ECCIE member. I talked to him a few times then decided to give him my handle. He introduced me to others. Now, I know 4-5 eccie guys at all the clubs I go to on a regular basis. Its actualy kind of nice as we can talk about things a bit more openly and share info on the girls at the club and providers you might not get in a review.

A caution though. If you think a guy is ECCIE, talk and get to know him a bit before telling him who you are. Do some screening. Ask dancers you know about him. Maybe mention you wish there was some way to find out more about a dancer before you spend money. See how he responds.

Most guys are fine and will never do anything to cause you concern but there are bad apples out there and a little caution goes a long way towards protecting your idenity
Personally, Cassie's Boobs (notice the caps) would make two great handles...and that was, yes indeed for the record, gratuitous asskissing.

My kid was probably 4 when that show was on....are we related?
jbravo_123's Avatar
Personally, Cassie's Boobs (notice the caps) would make two great handles...and that was, yes indeed for the record, gratuitous asskissing.

My kid was probably 4 when that show was on....are we related? Originally Posted by phildo
Ah shit, I was about that age when the show was on too. Is that you, dad?
Mom sends her love, jbravo!
pyramider's Avatar
See if your office mates know the secret handshake.
rew1256's Avatar
Mom sends her love, jbravo! Originally Posted by phildo
No! Mom wants to know when you're catching up on all that child support?
Tell THAT Mom baby daddy is still UTR! In a foreign country, with no extradition!