to clear up the cunfusion.

I've noticed it mentioned Ms Emma was answering my phone while I was out of town. she somehow figured out my Google password and used my Google Voice. she and I did work together a couple days but I quickly realized she has some issues she needs to deal with. and left her alone. I've secured my Google account since then. there shouldn't be anyone answering my line but myself from now on.

* on a side note.... when do u stop helping someone? I've always been compelled to help those in need. but things like this Ms. Emma bullshit always seem to happen. how do I go against my nature when I know someone needs help?
Buckskin's Avatar
Its very admirable to help those in need and very stupid not to protect yourself from abuse. Finding the high center is the hard part.
Don't stop being you because of others action.
Guest062716's Avatar

Thank you for posting your explanation on this controversy. Certainly unsettling, but less unsettling to find someone stole your GV password over stealing your actual phone.

In terms of helping, you don't let the actions of one person (or a dozen) stop you from helping others, just stop helping those who harm you. I speak from experience on this one.

As Buckskin suggests, stay true to yourself, don't change who you are.

Thanks again for your clarification.


Wild12tame's Avatar
Thanks for clearing that up. We've talked on the phone but never met but from what I've read you sound like a nice sweet woman. Don't let people take advantage of your good nature. I know it can be hard because it happens to me also. Usually I know in my gut when I'm being manipulated but when someone needs help its hard to resist helping. Hang in there and listen to your gut feeling. Glad you got her out of the picture. You don't need someone like that in your life.
thank you guys. I am still dealing with the reprocussions of helping her. but hopefully it'll be over soon.
OMFG I was just contacted by a client of mine letting me know ms Emma had been harassing him most of the day? apparently she backed up my Google contacts because there is no way she has access to my google account. I changed everything in the security settings. I am flabbergasted this little girl is going to this extreme. I must apologize. everyone I'm so sorry. if you get calls or messages from this girl saying she is me don't believe it. I never contact clients first. I fear she has a vendetta against me and is trying to destroy my rep. she's even taken to Facebook trying to smear my name. I don't know what to do.
Wow sorry to hear that