Dims better hurry and drop another "bombshell" fast

Reading that McConnell now have the votes for "no witnesses" and several Dem Senators may vote for acquittal on one or more articles.

What will the bombshell be?
-NYT publishes damning excerpts from Bolton's book?
-Whistleblower 'unmasked' and Dems demand retribution in form of witnesses?
-Another surprise witness to Trump's phone call?
-Russian Hooker pee tape?
-Joe Biden mysterious dead?

The Dims have until tomorrow morning to make this bombshell happen. I see in the last hour or so, Nancy, Chucky and Pencil Neck have had press conferences to re-iterate THE NATION IS AT RISK! HA!HA!HA!

The ratings are plummeting. Get this shiffshow over.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The real issue is that remade movies using the same script only work if the first run was worth doing again.
At least the Senate can say that there was due consideration, two weeks worth, before they shift-canned it.
  • oeb11
  • 01-30-2020, 12:25 PM
UC - very true
Won't stop the Fascist DPST's who are alreaady screaming "Unfair" about the Senate trial - despite their completely fixed, rigged, partisan house proceedings.

Not one Republican witness in the House proceedings.

Fuck 'em - let nazi pelosi plan "Impeach 45 in 2021!"
NEWSFLASH!! BOMBSHELL?? Adam Schiff says he has irrefutable proof that Trump is guilty!!!!

Oh, wait, that was Russian Collusion.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Jackie, Jackie, ....
Ukrainian collusion, no Finlandian collusion, no Atlantean collusion, no (lets start naming alien planets) collusion...

Damn this week has been entertaining.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Reading that McConnell now have the votes for "no witnesses" and several Dem Senators may vote for acquittal on one or more articles.

What will the bombshell be?
-NYT publishes damning excerpts from Bolton's book?
-Whistleblower 'unmasked' and Dems demand retribution in form of witnesses?
-Another surprise witness to Trump's phone call?
-Russian Hooker pee tape?
-Joe Biden mysterious dead?

The Dims have until tomorrow morning to make this bombshell happen. I see in the last hour or so, Nancy, Chucky and Pencil Neck have had press conferences to re-iterate THE NATION IS AT RISK! HA!HA!HA!

The ratings are plummeting. Get this shiffshow over. Originally Posted by gnadfly

this motivates me to tune into the Madcow tonight. certainly she'll be yelling her lizzo teats off about no witnesses.
Her tears are delicious.

Still expecting a "bombshell" though. Pelosi, Schitt and Schumer went on tv praying for one.
The Dim rape call dog whistlers are in full hunt mode.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Her tears are delicious.

Still expecting a "bombshell" though. Pelosi, Schitt and Schumer went on tv praying for one.
The Dim rape call dog whistlers are in full hunt mode. Originally Posted by gnadfly

speaking of that .. guess who's made her way back into the media? no not Stormytits. this bitch. E. Jean Carroll

what timing yeah? almost seems .. planned. Nah ..


AP Exclusive: Woman who says Trump raped her seeks his DNA


looks like she saved the dress without washing it for "evidence". for 25 years.

there's a catch however ..

“The Donna Karan coatdress still hangs on the back of my closet door, unworn and unlaundered since that evening,” she wrote. She donned it for a photo accompanying the magazine piece.

Her lawyer, Kaplan, said it was “standard operating procedure” in a sexual assault investigation to request a DNA sample from the accused.

does this dummy know that no charges were ever filed? normally i'd say the time limit has long expired but as we all know the liberal leftists are trying to allow decades old accusations to be allowed.

here's the real problem ... tainted evidence.

Carroll filed a defamation suit against Trump in November after the president denied her allegation. Her lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, then had the black wool coat-style dress tested. A lab report with the legal notice says DNA found on the sleeves was a mix of at least four people, at least one of them male.

so .. she got raped by 4 different people, one supposedly a male in the same day. busy girl!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
peelosi, schemer, and shit are oink, oink, oinking their way to purgatory!!!
speaking of that .. guess who's made her way back into the media? no not Stormytits. this bitch. E. Jean Carroll

what timing yeah? almost seems .. planned. Nah ..


... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
She's cray-cray. And let me guess, all four have deep pockets.
HoeHummer's Avatar
UC - very true
Won't stop the Fascist DPST's who are alreaady screaming "Unfair" about the Senate trial - despite their completely fixed, rigged, partisan house proceedings.

Not one Republican witness in the House proceedings.

Fuck 'em - let nazi pelosi plan "Impeach 45 in 2021!" Originally Posted by oeb11
So the Senate trial was not a rigged and foreigners conclusions?

Pull your finger out your ass Oebsy.

It’s been comical watching your decline in this forum into a Trumpholians.
Just like I predicted:


NYT hack alleging something else from Bolton book. Nobody bites.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So the Senate trial was not a rigged and foreigners conclusions?

Pull your finger out your ass Oebsy.

It’s been comical watching your decline in this forum into a Trumpholians. Originally Posted by HoeHummer


the house investigation was rigged against trump.
so, it follows the senate trial was rigged against the house managers.

tit for tat... garbage in, garbage out... got it???
Dims are still talking about bombshells between now and the vote Wednesday. Mitch should have scheduled the vote Sunday. Make the Dims think twice before scheduling another impeachment...and that way no bombshells.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

the house investigation was rigged against trump.
so, it follows the senate trial was rigged against the house managers.

tit for tat... garbage in, garbage out... got it??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

pretty much. the Senate is treating this "evidence" for what it is. shit. and Mandarin Mitch was never going to cave in to any Demtard demands. and he was never going to hold a secret vote to oust Trump either like some of the far left knuckleheads who post here ranted about.

it's clear that a public vote puts far more pressure on Democrats than Republicans, in terms of re-election no matter what the libtards claim. all these "75% of Americans" polls are a farce. you see many comments on media platforms like Yahoo where posters start off by saying .. "I'm no fan of Trump but this is not grounds to impeach .. ".

this isn't going the way the Demtards thought it would.