Goalie and Desirable Ángels

JRod2's Avatar
  • JRod2
  • 10-01-2020, 03:53 AM
ECCIE is an information exchange site thus let it be know that this individual is who runs DA and be assured that his comments throughout are intended to promote his mediocre agency. If you are on SeekingArrangements and he’s reached out to you seeking info on ladies that have been proven to p4p, rest assured you’ve made it one step easier for him to recruit.

I have used DA once and the lady was worth the time. There have been at least two other attempts where he tried connecting me but all he sent pics of were just shy of fatties, had mommy damage or just not something worth wasting money on.

If you see the lad trolling and commenting be advised he is pursuing his own agenda.

Mucho Ojo con culeritos cagados como ese...

BTW, greetings MOKOA, been a minute.
Clearly trolling, harrassing and flaming again. You are doing a diservice to this site by doing this. Remember, because you forgot on your own thread, you created a topic and went negative on me because i disagreed. It was locked for a reason. Yet, you continue with your flame throwing harrassments, and twisted obsessions about me with random misinformation. Give it up. Again your thread was locked for a reason. You will be reported to mods. I guess you are begging a ban.
Can I get my minute wasted back for reading this waste of a thread?
I'll just leave with this final comment from the mod who closed your last thread since you have a short term memory.

"The name calling, dick fight and agency promotion is over.

We are done here.-Mokoa"

And what do you do, you create another name calling thread and harrassment.Get a life and grow up.

Fifty, here you go. Perhaps this may be of help for you:

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-01-2020, 09:46 PM
Obviously those who disregard Staff instructions will be "rewarded."

Interesting FSOL, how you call out others for trolling in the middle of your own trolling post. Oops! Your hypocrisy is showing.

Again, we are done here.