In real news, not maga bs: Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks, insurers while building real estate empire

rmg_35's Avatar

Here is a real news story, asshole insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and his lying ass real estate company committed fraud by overvaluing his assets and deceiving banks to gain favorable loans and insurance. Some of tRumps business licenses have been resented.

Get used to it maga. tRump's multiple crime, illegal business practices, his insurrection, etc. are all going to catchup to that piece of shit. The more that fucking asshole cries, whines, and squeals, the closer he's changing his orange face for an orange jumpsuit. Enjoy the ride maga. Enjoy!!!

The projection is real.

Every single financial institution is going to come after him like sharks to blood. The IRS is going to have a field day.
DNinja69's Avatar
For me in most situations I say the statue of limitations for prior misdeeds by a President kicks in on inauguration day. Shit Trump might have done in the 80s or 90s unless its some violent atrocity is old news. Nobody found it in time thats my take.

Now Biden would not be in that same category since the current issues are alleged to have happened while he was VP and up to his run for President. Same as Trumps Jan 6 charges. Current offenses of a serious nature count.

But really could care less what either of them did before Ben Affleck was Batman
winn dixie's Avatar
Verdict was FRAUD. Heck everyone already knew trumpf is a fraud
bambino's Avatar
Verdict was FRAUD. Heck everyone already knew trumpf is a fraud Originally Posted by winn dixie
Not everyone. Mebbe you and Libtards. Maybe you’re a Libtard too!!!!!!
rmg_35's Avatar
Not everyone. Mebbe you and Libtards. Maybe you’re a Libtard too!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
tRump is absolutely a fraud along with a insurrectionist treasonist traitor. Sorry if you're blinded by the far-right extremist lunatics of the propaganda bullshit right-wing media.
Every business owner does this.
Same goes for cash deals. I doubt anyone hasn’t paid someone or been pad in cash, to avoid paying a tax on the deal.

This is another example of selective justice.

Wonder how someone that was a 2 term senator and President become wealthy. Own multiple mansions in the most expensive areas of the country.
Every business owner does this.
Same goes for cash deals. I doubt anyone hasn’t paid someone or been pad in cash, to avoid paying a tax on the deal.

This is another example of selective justice.

Wonder how someone that was a 2 term senator and President become wealthy. Own multiple mansions in the most expensive areas of the country. Originally Posted by Chase7
... The banks and other business companys had
no problem with the business deals.
And the Judge simply ignored their claims.

The Appeals Courts may say different.

Rulings such as this one surely tend to pervert the
Rule of Law. ... Which then causes a domino affect.

You'll surely see what I mean when Trump is back on
as President.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yawn indeed.

It is hilarious how the leftists think this is some big gotcha and are hear spreading their lies and hate

Here are the facts

The Far Left Democrat New York Attorney General had a far Left Democrat judge simply rule Trump committed fraud.

No trial.

No jury.

For the non-crime of Trump borrowing money from sophisticated Wall Street banks who all due their own due diligence before making any loan

And then for the non-crime of Trump paying back the same sophisticated Wall Street banks. In full. With interest.

This ruling is an absolute fucking joke. Can't wait til it eventually gets laughed at at the appellate level

It’s beyond comprehension that our Justice system has become so corrupt. This is why the left must be destroyed.
berryberry's Avatar
This is how absurd this is. This deranged far left New York judge ruled that Trump inflated his property values, including Mar-a-Lago, which the judge determined was worth $18 to $27 million from 2011 to 2021.

To put this into perspective, here’s a patch of trees just down the road from the historic Mar-a-Lago property on a lot that’s a fraction of its size going for $150 million.

winn dixie's Avatar
Location location location on the bs trees vs developed properties. Especially by water. Trumpf is a cheat and fraud. Folks in the know been saying it for 40 years
berryberry's Avatar
Location location location on the bs trees vs developed properties. Especially by water. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You do realize don't you that Mar A Lago is on the water

You do realize don't you that Mar A Lago is multiple times larger

You do realize don't you that Mar A Lago is a fully developed property

You do realize don't you that Mar A Lago is literally right down the road from this lot with the bunch of trees which is selling for $150 million while the deranged far left judge says Mar-A-Lago is worth only $18 million

You do realize don't you that the deranged far left judge is clueless about property values now, don't you?

Or does your Trump hatred prohibit you from admitting that?
The worst thing to ever happen to trump was becoming President. Without all the scrutiny that comes along with that gig, he could have just continued being the same low-life criminal piece of monkey shit he's always been for the rest of his miserable life.

But when every pair of eyes in the world is upon you, being a low-life criminal piece of monkey shit will eventually catch up to you.

Have fun making up excuses for why you support a criminal traitor, MAGA. And get used to it. His inevitable downfall is just getting started.
rmg_35's Avatar
This is how absurd this is. This deranged far left New York judge ruled that Trump inflated his property values, including Mar-a-Lago, which the judge determined was worth $18 to $27 million from 2011 to 2021.

To put this into perspective, here’s a patch of trees just down the road from the historic Mar-a-Lago property on a lot that’s a fraction of its size going for $150 million.

Originally Posted by berryberry
Once again, totally misinformation. Multiple news sources have insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump exaggerating his net worth more than 2 billion a year with some reporting it as high as 3.6 billion. IT'S A CRIME. It's an egregious amount and why he was found liable for fraud.

Love how maga clings to ever lie and bullshit that comes out of the insurrectionist treasonist traitor's mouth.

Get used to it maga, lots more guilty verdicts are coming his way.