Thanks for your response, but I'm not really looking for a solution to my problem viewing these websites. My situation is what it is and I'm ok with it. However, I was speculating that you might be wrong in your assumption that I
in the extreme minority, and would like to find out if that is the case. If so, it would be valuable information for the providers to know, as the incentive to accomodate might become a bit bigger. And with all the buzz for the iPad, I think it'd be a mistake to dismiss Apple products as simply "not supporting current technologies".
Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Well, if you're referring to people who ONLY use their phones to access ECCIE & Provider sites, I would say you are in the extreme minority. However, i'm sure plenty of guys use their phones AND their computers.
By the way, here is an option you can use to bypass Apples blatant disregard for current technology.
Web Developers know that:
Flash use in the travel destination niche is upwards of 80%+
Flash use in fashion nears 90%
Flash use in the hobby is apparently getting up there.
So ya, in my opinion Apple has is ass-backwards.
I'd skip any website done in flash on general principles. I want web sites to be informative, not full of pointless gee-whiz nonsense that depends on having the latest version of some proprietary medium.
Originally Posted by npita
This all depends on trend and content. If you want text content then fine, you can find that in certain media sectors or markets. However, people demand flash, animation, video, content that brings the product closer to the consumer...and it takes Flash to do it, currently. Silverlight is a distant second. You don't HAVE to have flash, but if you are selling something, your competition will have flash.