Scott Brown stumbles on 'Obamacare' problem

We learned this week that Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) takes advantage of the Affordable Care Act to bring health care coverage to his own adult daughters. The problem, of course, is that Brown has also voted to kill the entirety of the law, and fully intends to keep trying until "Obamacare" and its benefits have been eliminated.

The Republican senator wants the law to help his kids, but he also wants to destroy the law, no matter what it does to everyone else's kids.
Pressed on this, Brown changed his story. After initially saying he insurers his daughters through his congressional insurance plan, the Massachusetts senator changed his mind and said he's actually taking advantage of state measures, which he'd voted for, not the Democrats' reform law.
As Igor Volsky explained, this version doesn't appear to be true.
Brown may have taken advantage of Massachusetts reform while serving in the Bay State, but as a senator, he's benefiting from the ACA's most popular provision.
According to the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) website, Brown's congressional health care plan (the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan) is regulated by federal law, not state legislation -- "The FEHB Program is a Federal program and preempts state law requirements," the site says -- and the program allows dependents to stay on their parents' insurance plans until age 26 as a result of Obamacare. [...]
An official at OPM confirmed to ThinkProgress that "As long as the parent has a self-and-family enrollment, dependent children are covered under that enrollment until they reach age 26, as a result of passage of the ACA. Before the ACA, the dependent age was by FEHB law up to age 22."
So, Scott Brown enjoys a benefit he wants to deny to everyone else, and then he fibbed to try to get out of it?

That's not a good combination.
It's also worth emphasizing that from Brown's perspective, the larger issue just isn't worth worrying about. What happens if he succeeds and the law is eliminated? Brown and his wife made over a half-million dollars last year, so they're in a position to help their adult kids pay for insurance and medical expenses.

Since 99% of American households make far less than the senator and his wife, the question becomes what happens to 18-to-25 year olds who don't come from wealthy families. As Brown sees it, states might consider passing measures similar to "Obamacare" if the law is destroyed, which he thinks would solve the problem. But if your state is dominated by Republican policymakers and chooses not to take this step? Well, apparently you're out of luck. Maybe you should have picked a better state (or wealthier parents).

Remember, this is what passes for GOP moderation on health care policy -- a confused senator who hates the Affordable Care Act, despite not knowing why, who wants to benefit from the law he thinks he finds offensive, while taking those benefits away from everyone else, and then fudging the truth when questions arise.

MSNBC news article
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ughh, we better go to white squaw Elizabeth Warren for comment.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, SexyEx, you are really reaching this time. His employer offers a health care plan, and he's supposed to turn it down?

If that's all you have on Brown, look forward to adding six years to his term.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey are we not supposed to be equal? I thought that was the mantra of the liberal.
Everybody gets treated the same with no special advantage.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-04-2012, 04:38 PM
So, Scott Brown enjoys a benefit he wants to deny to everyone else, and then he fibbed to try to get out of it? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Scott Brown lied? I'm shocked (SHOCKED!) that COG didn't beat you to the punch and start a thread about it.

Jesus, SexyEx, you are really reaching this time. His employer offers a health care plan, and he's supposed to turn it down?

If that's all you have on Brown, look forward to adding six years to his term. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I guess Scott Brown's name not being Nancy Pelosi pays some pretty big dividends. Or maybe it's just that Scott Brown isn't female. Or perhaps COG is just a hypocrite.

I doubt we'll ever find out the true reason.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You guys are getting funnier all the time!

So Scott Brown lied. What are we to think of this?
He is a typical polititian, he puts on the big show for the public, but I suspect when he is hanging with his other buddies in power, they talk about what a bunch of dupes all of us Serfs are out here outside the castle walls.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-04-2012, 06:53 PM
You guys are getting funnier all the time!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Good thing too, because all you Obama Hate-Zombies are just getting boring.

Bill Ayers? Playing golf? Using his success in getting Bin Laden as a campaign issue? Really?

When do we get to revisit his birth certificate?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When do we get to revisit his birth certificate? Originally Posted by Doove
Now THAT'S a straw man!

COG, your entire posting history proves you have no clue as to what a straw man is.

Now let's hear you defend that lying Scott Brown some more while bashing Elizabeth Warren like the professor who is really not a professor does to his "class".

How do you go about justifying defending being dumb when you're caught saying stupid things over and over and then also get caught trying to misrepresent what others say about your errors?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How do you go about justifying defending being dumb when you're caught saying stupid things over and over and then also get caught trying to misrepresent what others say about your errors?

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Well, now that you mention it, I often use you as my example.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How do you go about justifying defending being dumb when you're caught saying stupid things over and over and then also get caught trying to misrepresent what others say about your errors? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Well, now that you mention it, I often use you as my example. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Chief Says: "She Who Runs With Man Who Eats Dog is a fool"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-05-2012, 06:59 AM
This will be a key Senate race.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Jesus, SexyEx, you are really reaching this time. His employer offers a health care plan, and he's supposed to turn it down?

If that's all you have on Brown, look forward to adding six years to his term. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Missed again by a MILE (as usual)...

COsFb, and your tool who seems joined at the hip with you (T2Pekinese), don't get it that if Brown Around Town had responded as either of you did then it actually would have been a non-issue. Of course, this means Brown ain't as nimble afoot as either of you. This is bad news for him.