The Empire Is Collapsing... NOW THIS!

SEE3772's Avatar
How much more can this country take? This country is in dyer need of a candidate, be it a Democrat or Republican that can actually manage this country. As far as the Bush clan, George H. Bush wasn't anything to write home about. George W. just what the fuck was that. Then we really out did ourselves with this Zebra we've got now. These people are nothing but chump change. Now they want to present us with Jeb Bush. Obviously just another repeat of what we've been getting.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you want a leader who is interested in managing the country, s/he will not be a Democrat or Republican.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I will slit my wrists if we have another Bush/Clinton ticket.
I will slit my wrists if we have another Bush/Clinton ticket. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I agree, we need new blood.
Wow, we will miss you guys if it happens.
rioseco's Avatar


It's Thursday Night In The Former United States of America! Originally Posted by SEE3772

While near anything would be better than what we've been putting up with in the whitehouse, surely this is not the best we can do to replace the Liar in Chief !
Oh sure, we all want creative outsiders who will be "best for the country." The problem is defining "best for the country" is a little different for every American. And democracy is a fickle mistress that prefers spit and polish over most everything else.

Ross Perot was my favorite example. I think he probably would have managed the country pretty well - and by that I mean in a non-self-serving and non-party-serving way. We skewered him for his trouble.
boardman's Avatar
The next one will have to have a better gimmick than the current one. Nothing says substance like a gimmick.

How about The first woman President, the first gay President, The first Asian President?

Hey, maybe they could battle it out on Dancing with the Stars or Big Brother.