HAPPY - Birthday, Anniversary, Happy Thoughts

ECCIE is a HAPPY Place. It's a place we all come to for fantasy, pleasure and even the latest news/politics/updates.


Join Date: Sep 24, 2011
Location: (my) Fantasyland
Posts: 3,000
Reviews: 32

Today I celebrate my 3000th post, with a positive post. This is for everyone, at any given moment to share a HAPPY Thought: Well wishes, Get Well, Happy Birthday or Anniversary...something that means a lot to you or for someone special.

I never thought I would have 3000 posts. And, to some, why celebrate? It's not celebrating the 3000 posts. It's celebrating LIFE. Carpe diem.

Note: if you post something negative in the thread, you will receive the infamous SL "referee Flag" (ooops, nevermind, I like this referee better)!!!

Thank YOU!

DallasRain's Avatar
Mijo.... I know exactly what you mean!!! Hell I have over 4000 posts now with a few Reviews!! ECCIE is one Hell of a Ride!!! I have met some WONDERFUL ladies and a few Very Distinguished Gentlemen! I always appreciate when Ole Redd is kept in the KNOW!!! Still looking 4ward to catching up with you and telling a Few Hobby Lies over Remy XO!! Thanks for the Loyality and Friendship BIG DAWG!!! I am eager to give Thai a try!!!

Still Looking's Avatar


Still Looking's Avatar
DAMN IT MIJO... you were spose to savor the moment not BLOW right past it! GEEEEZ!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Back in my thread posting days when I saw I was about to hit some fancy number I was gonna post something fancy. Then you realize you really are a post hoe cause you look and see you went right past that big number you were so proud of LOL!!
Back in my thread posting days when I saw I was about to hit some fancy number I was gonna post something fancy. Then you realize you really are a post hoe cause you look and see you went right past that big number you were so proud of LOL!! Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
EA, you were a hoe back in the day? Who woulda thunck...SMDH

I'm still watching the mini-movies above...
edit: Happy Thoughts!...

Yes, Yes, that's why I captured the 3,000th pic in the OP! No doubt, flew right by that one! Good point
cumalot's Avatar
I feel an inferiority complex coming on with my post count being at 1563 posts and 12 reviews. Thanks for reminding me mijo of my inadequacy in my post number and review number <tear rolls off cheek and hits the floor>.....happy 3000th plus post and a belated anniversary....Keep the Posts Cummin....
Yes, Yes, Yes...
EA, you were a hoe back in the day? Who woulda thunck...SMDH

I'm still watching the mini-movies above...
edit: Happy Thoughts!...

Yes, Yes, that's why I captured the 3,000th pic in the OP! No doubt, flew right by that one! Good point Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
EA, this was edited out after I "fixed" your quote, I decided to keep it HAPPY. I will repost later since you edited me back in...great use of MOD "powers".

I will re-edit you to make sense of my "quote" above. It's all fun and games. I'll have fun with this one for sure!
canuckvic's Avatar
congrats Mijo - I suspect you've had to put up with alot of shit from idiots to make it to 3000 - thats worth something from where I come from!!!
congrats Mijo - I suspect you've had to put up with alot of shit from idiots to make it to 3000 - thats worth something from where I come from!!! Originally Posted by canuckvic
CV, you're a Good Man! No doubt. I plan on visiting Canada, soon, very soon! You're lucky as hell to be in Canada and that close to NY! Enjoy!

Happy Hobbying
Still Looking's Avatar
Back in my thread posting days when I saw I was about to hit some fancy number I was gonna post something fancy. Then you realize you really are a post hoe cause you look and see you went right past that big number you were so proud of LOL!! Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I tried to tell him LOL! One whore to another!
Still Looking's Avatar
congrats Mijo - I suspect you've had to put up with alot of shit from idiots to make it to 3000 - thats worth something from where I come from!!! Originally Posted by canuckvic
I wonder who he is talking about?