Best place to advertise for Syracuse

Hi guys and gals. Other than ECCIE and BP, where do guys look for providers in Upstate NY, This is my first visit to NY as a provider.
You might want to include P411 as well. Welcome to The Cause!
P411 is also used, albeit by fewer guys.
P411 is a great resource. Not sure why I thought it wasn't used in NY. Quality beats quantity anytime!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
You have PM.
EnglishGent's Avatar
Date-Check is another one I know some folkes use.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
Check out Date Check and Naughty Reviews. There is also Big Doggie, but after a year of paid advertising, I maybe booked two dates using that site.
Craigslist>casual encounters. Key words "thick", "curvy"