close encounters of the skank ho - hooktard kind

cravenmorehead's Avatar
exhibit a :
made a phone call at 10:00 am to a utr / stripper takeout , sounded like I just woke her up so I could understand that she probably wasn't with it. asked if we could meet later and she said ok and to text her for the address, texted for the address twice and she didn't respond, called her and she still sounded f'd up , texted another member of gob and said what happened and he advised to stay away which I did. she or whomever her pimp was texted back with the address ( near buff state ) and asked if i had the money , said sorry charlie.

exhibit b : got a text earlier in the day after i had already made an appointment with exhibit a saying she had a room and to text if i wanted to get together, texted her and made an appt after exhibit a fell through, drove 20 minutes to get to exhibit b's place , once i got there texted that i arrived and she said to come back in 30 minutes. meanwhile i had to make a pitstop and noticed exhibit b just checking in at 2:15 when we had a 2 pm appt. texted her again and she said to come back in 30 minutes,i then said forget it and left. she then texts me 5 minutes after i leave asking if i was still there ??? I said that we had a 2 pm appt and that college professors only get 15 minutes leeway and she wanted to start 45 min late. she texted back and said she was late with a 1:30 appt, huh!!! she scheduled me at 2 when she obviously had a scheduling conflict unless it was a blow and go and she had super whoremone powers..

So wasted 2 hours time plus gas plus upjohns and didn't bust a nut. this was after i had an appt the previous day and called and called and when she answered said she was busy, but i had scheduled an appt on friday to see her monday and said she would call if somebody cancelled, wtf. she then left me a message saying she was quiting for the day because the apocalypse or some storm was coming. this was after i had an appt on friday and when i arrived she asked if i didn't get her text saying she had to cancel on short notice, said i wouldn't have shown up if i had received the text and left.
all in all that made me "o" fer the last 4 attempts to hook up

well at least i still have my health my $$ but blue balls.

credits: jonballs for hooktards
backpage for skankho's
gob network for telling me stay away
eccie bretheren for keeping me safe and sane

names witheld to protect the guilty, if the show fits wear it

boy i miss my atf !!!
That whole runaround is prohibited driven... Better off u ain't seen her all sketched out homie. Be peace
mad469s's Avatar
well at least i still have my health my $$ but blue balls. Originally Posted by cravenmorehead
You polly shoulda just stayed home and rubbed 1 out to save yourself the "blue boys". Oh and the gas as well.