If You See Something..Say Something !!

Help defend Obama against his attackers...................if you see something, say something.............

The real Obama web site: http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/join-attack-wire-today

The Paradoy (more enjoyable) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XYKRokgX00

Is the WH desperate or what ???????????
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It looks and sounds like our Douchebag Liberal Friends in this forum are tuned to the youtube site.
Rumors have it that TTH has turned Whirlaway, DaliLama, LexusLover, Lex (late addition), and IB Hankering into the website for monitoring and response !

Big Bro' is watching ! Re-education camp to follow..........
CPT Savajo's Avatar
If you see something say something. People are already doing that. Just look at any town that has a water shortage due to drought. Neighboors will snitch on each other for watering their lawn or washing their car! They'll even call the cops on their neighboors in a town with a water shortage if they see their neighboor washing their car with bottled water. States are good at turning fellow neighboors against each other.

Whistle blowers do the same thing. Just look at the mess going on with the ATF. Insiders blew the whistle.
  • Laz
  • 09-15-2011, 11:18 AM
Rumors have it that TTH has turned Whirlaway, DaliLama, LexusLover and IB Hankering into the website for monitoring and response !

Big Bro' is watching ! Re-education camp to follow.......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I am insulted. I don't rate high enough to be ratted on.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, c'mon. Report me too!