Technology O_o

Lexxxy's Avatar
I just realized how crazy this is! I am laying on my bed typing on my notebook, with my droid right next to it on my right, my ipod touch is what I am listening to music on right behind me, I have my tablet charging to my left, and I have my gps attached to my notebook updating.
When the hell did every day life become this? I am so dependent on all of these things. The other day I went to the nail salon and realized I somehow forgot my phone at home charging and almost had an honest to god panic attack thinking about all of the what ifs. What if something terrible happened and my family needs to get a hold of me? What if my car breaks down on my way home in the dark? What if I witness a terrible crime or accident and can't call the police? Crazy, I have been attached to a cell phone for security since I was like 13. I hardly remember life without it. I can't even imagine life without everything around me on this bed right now.
Just figured I would share my moment of realization.
Maxie51's Avatar
Amazing how we have become so dependent on technology. But what if it quits? There was a time when mail was done with stamps and the radio was all that followed us. We used a map to get from place to place. The promise was that technology was going to make our lives easier and save us time.Now we are constantly beckoned by our electronic devices. I truely am a geek and love techy stuff but I don't have more time now then before the cellphone.....
wanttohavefun's Avatar
I think we can cut ourselves a bit of slack in the area of cell phones. They have become necessary because their alternative - pay phones - have just about become extinct.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Out to dinner with family we all stack our cells face down on silent and whoever gets their phone before we're leaving has to pick up the bill for everyone.
I think we can cut ourselves a bit of slack in the area of cell phones. They have become necessary because their alternative - pay phones - have just about become extinct. Originally Posted by wanttohavefun
I guess that you don't often go to Canada, eh?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Because you think you are going to miss something.

You aren't as important as you think you are.

My job requires me to be in touch 100% of the time. I get home and turn my cell phone off, don't use a computer unless I need to order something and I am still alive, the company is still making money and life is good.

Second week of august I am going on vacation. I will have no notebook, no cell phone on and I wont watch the news. I am sure everything will be just fine when I get back.

I am a CIO for a firm and I use this stuff less than a provider.

You are your own worst enemy.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Lexxxy's Avatar
The what ifs scare me because I have been in situations where the what ifs happened and I didn't know or was helpless.
Being providers our livelihoods are our phones and my other one is my civi. "Only contact me for emergencies" translates to " contact me for any and all help, drama, and hurt feelings between 10am-5am 7 days a week"
snowman123's Avatar
Yep, personal notebook, Iphone, work phone, hobby phone and several email addresses. Not mentioning what devices my family members have. But, they are now a part of our lives for better or worse. It is great having information at my fingertips, not so great being at the instant beck and call of people 24/7. And yes I feel somewhat undressed without my phone somewhere on me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The what ifs scare me because I have been in situations where the what ifs happened and I didn't know or was helpless.
Being providers our livelihoods are our phones and my other one is my civi. "Only contact me for emergencies" translates to " contact me for any and all help, drama, and hurt feelings between 10am-5am 7 days a week" Originally Posted by Lexxxy
must be tough being the most important person on the planet
Lexxxy's Avatar
Running 2 businesses isn't easy that's for sure.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Now we know why the barbs at lexxxy are and they arent wrong.

But it doesnt surprise me a sex worker needs a phone more than a C_O of any type. C_Os dont have to hustle for business, they just suck off the tits of other's labor.

I dont know and dont mean to disparage gotur6. Seriously, not personal. I'll preemptively state it may be entirely possible any given C_O is one of just a few employees at a small business that actually requires and receives their effort. But I suspect the world would be a better place with less C_Os and more SOs (albeit humble SOs).

And less electronics. I just spent the last six days in a dead zone. I missed a few things but I think I'd adjust.
Gotyour6's Avatar
disparage me lol

You're cute.

I think i like you and if I were a provider I would do you for free.

Ah what the hell, c'mere