What is wrong with democrats?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Are their brains broken?
Are they zombies?
Are they part of a cult?
Are they unable to process the difference between right and wrong?
Are they just sock puppets?

The GOP passes a bill to prevent biological men from competing against women. Which protects the rights of women to participate fairly and safely in sports. Not a single democrat signed on. Why do democrats hate women?

New York City is inundated by crime. The GOP holds a meeting there to discuss crime and the top-ranking democrats deny that crime exists in New York City. I mean, what's next? The democrats will deny that there are rats in New York City. Maybe the democrats will deny the existence of the mob. Or the top democrat will deny that Antifa exists.

Fetterman is broken beyond all hope of repair. Feinstein is doddering with complete mental incompetence (reminds me of someone else in Washington). Swallwell sleeps with Chinese spies. Hunter is a drug addict. 51 intelligence specialists have been caught lying about the laptop. Even the New York Times is publishing stories about illegal alien child laborers being faciliated by the Biden people.

And the democrats refuse to remove their blindfolds.
Your post is exactly right Barleycorn.
... The reason of their blindfolds is rather simple, mate.

They all have "TDS" ... I did a thread on it in the Pittsburgh forum.

"The Truth shall set them Free."

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
Or the top democrat will deny that Antifa exists. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn



Look boys and girls! Your idiot President thinks this is "just an idea":

racism. No doubt our Country has it's short comings, but America also has traits that has made this Country great and prosperous. We have to accept the good with the bad and be mindful of what our history has taught us, it's better to preserve rather than to destroy, it doesn't take away the truth. Liberals also want to deny God by promoting Abortion as a right, Transgenderism by saying God made a mistake. Liberals want control they'll gain it in the most perverted ways "Divide and Conquer" is their credo. The People of America were meant to live free and independent. Liberals don't want that they want to contain the masses, stifle free speech and keep the people suspicious and distant from one another.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The worst people in history were probably the Soviets (communists) but everyone thinks it was the Nazis. Okay, The Soviets broke the human spirit of all their citizens. People informing on each other, betraying each other, profiting from others misery, and the Nazis did the same but on a smaller scale. The Germans were arrogant enough to think they could win a war with the world. That was something the Soviets never dreamed of.
You ask yourself, how did they find the followers to slaughter their own kind, imprison people marked for death, and carry out those executions. A winnowing process. Start small and see who follows orders. Increase the orders and see who wants to rise in the ranks. After a time, you find those who will kill or torture anyone for the sake of the cause. For some that cause is racism, for others, it is the environment, and now we add being woke and/or trans.
Trans people are starting to threaten and carry out violence. They've already followed orders and tried to take the children just like the Nazis (Hitler Youth) and Soviets (Young Pioneers). Antifa is killing people who disagree with them. A few now but probably more later.

They are the enemy of civilization, and they walk among us.
Another Republican that has amnesia
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another Republican that has amnesia Originally Posted by apollo18

if you say so
This short animated film indicates what Liberals seek for humanity.

Precious_b's Avatar
OP opening statement, done.

The gender thing and sports, guess the Renee Richards thing ain't flying. (Didn't see how he/she could get away with it.) Maybe a chromose (sp) test like I heard at least one country does.

NYC crime. Gotta hand it to rudy for taking the hard decisions on that and how it has been handled since. Ima sure there are stats showing the crime rate. Can't be any worse than before rudys time.

Both sides of the aisle have their old codgers putting sand in the gears.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, Renee Richards who was a semi-professional tennis player. Not a full time player. She also crushed her female opponents early on because, as she acknowledged, if she had transitioned two years earlier as the age of 22, no one could have stood in her way as she would have had an insurmountable advantage. You mean that Renee Richards?

As for New York City crime, at least they recognized assault was a crime before Rudy. They don't now.
texassapper's Avatar
The worst people in history were probably the Soviets (communists) but everyone thinks it was the Nazis....

They are the enemy of civilization, and they walk among us. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The International Socialists (ommies) killed over a HUNDRED MILLION SOULS in the last century. The socialists that want socialism to stop at their national border (Nazis), killed 20 Million.
texassapper's Avatar
Another Republican that has amnesia Originally Posted by apollo18
WHo's BANdle is this?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The International Socialists (ommies) killed over a HUNDRED MILLION SOULS in the last century. The socialists that want socialism to stop at their national border (Nazis), killed 20 Million. Originally Posted by texassapper

Nazis were NOT socialists. Very far from it.
Nazis were NOT socialists. Very far from it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You clearly don’t have a clue. You believe the lies and are brainwashed by the lies. Central Government Control is the common thread between them all. Only difference is how soon the government kills dissenters.