Question for the conservative men and women who visit this forum:

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Which one of the current 7 GOP contenders running for POTUS do you feel is the most conservative? Who is the most Liberal? Who do you find as the most moderate?
I raise this question because all of them seem to beating their chest saying they are the most conservative and the other is not as conservative.
I am amazed that Romney has picked up support from Tea party supporters like Christine McDonnell and also S.C governor supports Romney. I never pictured Romney as a Conservative based on his flip flopping on various issues and by Romney's own admission that he was moderate and progressive.

So if you are a republican or a conservative if you can answer in your own opinion
A: Who is the most conservative:______________
B: Who is the least conservative or most liberal____________________
C. Who is the middle of the road moderate:__________________
Boltfan's Avatar
Most conservative - Ron Paul
Least - Probably Romney, at least per his record
Moderate - Newt or Hunstman
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Most conservative - Ron Paul
Least - Probably Romney, at least per his record
Moderate - Newt or Hunstman Originally Posted by Boltfan
Thanks for your reply Bolt- but just out of curiosity why do you think someone from the Tea party like Christine McDonnell would back Romney if he's the least conservative? Also, where would you rank Santorum and Bachmann?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm gonna number them the highest # being the most conservative to the lowest # being the least conservative.

this being a rough estimate as everyone has degrees of conservatism that is higher or lower than others.

08 ron paul
07 rick Santorum
06 michelle Bachman

05 gary johnson
04 rick perry
03 john huntsman
02 newt gingrich

01 mitt Romney

these are the other 5 who were not invited to the debates in no particular order.

FYI, Buddy Roemer would be considered a moderate at the low end, between newt & romney.

stewart greenleaf
fred karger
andy martin
jimmy mcmillan
buddy roemer
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thanks for your reply Bolt- but just out of curiosity why do you think someone from the Tea party like Christine McDonnell would back Romney if he's the least conservative? Also, where would you rank Santorum and Bachmann? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I think they are looking for electability, one that they are somewhat familiar with and the least distasteful to support.
Alot of Tea Party conservatives are casting their fate with the candidate who they think is most likely to defeat Obama (Ann Coulter for example is a Romney supporter, after Gov. Christi wouldn't run)......they are being realists and understand that they can move the political foodball to a more constitutional Republic with Romney and a conservative (Tea Party) congress...his support from authentic conservatives has nothing to do with Romney's lack of conservative credentials.

A: Who is the most conservative: Santorum
B: Who is the least conservative or most liberal: Romney
C. Who is the middle of the road moderate: Perry or Huntsman
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How can any of them who support the Patriot Act or the NDAA seriously call themselves conservatives? They are a bunch of statist phonies, and the only serious difference between them and Obama is . . . well, there isn't much.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How can any of them who support the Patriot Act or the NDAA seriously call themselves conservatives? They are a bunch of statist phonies, and the only serious difference between them and Obama is . . . well, there isn't much. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
ron paul didn't support it
Because your definition of Conservatism isn't commonly shared by most everyone?

And it is BS to say there is little to no differnce between Obama and Santorum.

How can any of them who support the Patriot Act or the NDAA seriously call themselves conservatives? They are a bunch of statist phonies, and the only serious difference between them and Obama is . . . well, there isn't much. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Boltfan's Avatar
I think they are looking for electability, one that they are somewhat familiar with and the least distasteful to support. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

My thoughts exactly. I would be willing to bet that is why she offered her support.

But that is also why I personally feel Newt and/or Huntsman are electable. They are moderate and will swing a large number of independant voters like myself who just aren't comfortable (based upon the present day situation) supporting Barack Obama for a second term.

I would be thrilled that if in the interest of self preservation Obama would come back to the middle, ala Bill Clinton and do some good in 2012. Do nothing congress only goes so far. It is hard to do anything with the constant threat of veto if it doesn't meet some lefty standard. Congress needs to do their part as well to come to the middle. Doubt that will happen, but that is what would lead me to vote for Obama instead of a moderate in 2012.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dil, I know Ron Paul didn't support it. That's why I said anyone who did isn't a conservative. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only ones running that I know of that have any sense of what America is all about.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what's disappointing is that the other 5 candidates I've mentioned won't be allowed on the debates.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Except for Buddy Roemer, I have never heard of them. You left out Thaddeus McCotter.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Except for Buddy Roemer, I have never heard of them. You left out Thaddeus McCotter. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I didn't he dropped out along with 2 other candidates that weren't invited to the debates.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right.