Hey you guys

KaitlynDior's Avatar
Hey houston it seems like FOOOOREVER since I have been back here! A lot of rules have changed but none the less im glad to be back, for the weekend at least. I just wanted to say hi and was hoping to see some familar faces in the comments lol
Oh and by the way does anyone know of any legit massage parlors in the med center my back is killing me!
Oh and it seems like every strip club in houston requires a male escort to get in have a drink and watch some ass bounce 🤷♀️ Does anyone know of any clubs that will let me in without a male escort? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone is having a great day so far
To answer the last question dont you and your two other friends have a male pimp? Why not just have him escort you into the club?
Aweshucks's Avatar
Hey beautiful great to see you on here.
ima troll Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
At least You liked your own post!
At least You liked your own post! Originally Posted by Mythos
I didnt even know that feature exists. I post from my phone so yeah ..

Business must be slow for youu, tummy Marie. You're washed up. Warned you to get out of the boxed wine and bolgna diet
You can go with me to the Ritz, I'm a VIP I can get you in
I didnt even know that feature exists.. Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby

Oh and please keep calling me tummy. I love watching stupid people in action.
eveonastick's Avatar
I recall hottyz being lesbian friendly, don't know if it's still open though
  • Pbmgd
  • 10-14-2018, 09:13 AM
Hey houston it seems like FOOOOREVER since I have been back here! A lot of rules have changed but none the less im glad to be back, for the weekend at least. I just wanted to say hi and was hoping to see some familar faces in the comments lol
Oh and by the way does anyone know of any legit massage parlors in the med center my back is killing me!
Oh and it seems like every strip club in houston requires a male escort to get in have a drink and watch some ass bounce 🤷♀️ Does anyone know of any clubs that will let me in without a male escort? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone is having a great day so far Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
On the massage question, check out Cloud 9 on Holcombe. Excellent foot massage that includes an OTC back and leg massage. $35 and I usually tip $10. Full body is $60 and very good as well but I usually go for the foot massage. Good luck
No legit massage parlors in Houston. They all give extras. Their massages suck.

If you want to get admitted into a SC then go work for one as dancer.

Ask your pimp to be your date at the club.
I recall hottyz being lesbian friendly, don't know if it's still open though Originally Posted by eveonastick
Well hello, Eve. I have been meaning to give you a call, I had to get a new hobby phone, my old one got dropped. I lost your number and everybody else's.

I've had a age related medical issue, but am good to go now. I will PM you when I get back in town Thursday for your number.

It will be good to see you again.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Im glad to see Houston eccie hasnt changed a bit

I got some good information via PMS so thanks to everyone who entertained my shit and helped me out. Im going back to dallas in a few hours so hopefully I get to see you guys again next weekend
Any chance you’ll be in Houston the 26th?
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Hey I had to get a new phone so please take a peek at my showcase and save my new number and delete the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience guys
I recall hottyz being lesbian friendly, don't know if it's still open though Originally Posted by eveonastick
I don’t think Hottyz is open. A lot of clubs really didn’t too much trip on girls coming in solo, for a long time. Looked in those ladies obviously started taking advantage of it and that’s when a lot of clubs started to enforce a girl having a male escort with her. It’s always good to know management so you can just walk into the bar and Chill. P.m. me and I’ll send you some info of some places.