BP - Why do you do it ?

rrrabbit's Avatar
I've long been curious as to why so many go out on a limb and go visit a BP gal with little to no info, despite the obvious risks: LE, bait & switch, bad attitude, skanks, pimps, and the list goes on ...

I thought about posting this in men's lounge, but I decided to post it here because:

a) more viewership
b) some of the ladies may also be curious

So, why DO you take the risk on a BP newb ?

All reasons are valid reasons. It may not be valid for the reader, but it's the writer's reason. So no flaming pretty please - let's try to keep this one to a healthy exchange/debate.
xxnubyxx's Avatar
For me, I'm looking for the young fresh new girls, 18-20, and since I believe in myself, I feel I have a shot of making it more that just $$... maybe dinner, a movie, extras.... I know there's no chance of that with the "established" providers here... I also like the nervous feeling in a new girl
NewWave's Avatar
great post rrrabit.

I haven't done it in awhile, but there was a period where I was like Evil Knievel, trying out the newest and latest adventure. I was very fortunate in a couple of them that I didn't get harassed or jumped.

I think for me it comes down to finding that fresh face. Maybe someone that isn't so jaded, that just needs a little bit of financial help. Similar to what xxnubyxx said. I guess the less of a job it feels the better for me, so I'm thinking that's why I'll find on BP. It's that idea that she's only in this for a short awhile, and so I better strike the iron while it's hot and maybe I can still see her after she quits posting ads.

I have found a couple real hot chicks through there, but even they were pimped out. In fact I've found you have a much higher risk of pimped out girls on BP than here, even though I didn't want to acknowledge it for a long time.

I used to think that a chick who was bored and looking for some banging would simply post an ad the way a guy might, but I really don't believe that as much anymore. Still, the lure of a fresh face does have its pull...

so xxnubyxx have you ever gone on a date with a BP girl, to a movie? Is there SO or pimp sitting a few aisles away?
xxnubyxx's Avatar
On a CL Adult section, yes, great time, dinner, movie, 3 hours in bed... perfect... BP, I walked away too many times... there are specially clues and hints that I look for, no bites yet (damn CL girl, I miss you)
NewWave's Avatar
On a CL Adult section, yes, great time, dinner, movie, 3 hours in bed... perfect... BP, I walked away too many times... there are specially clues and hints that I look for, no bites yet (damn CL girl, I miss you) Originally Posted by xxnubyxx

was this in CL Adult Gigs or Erotic Services or whatever it was called?
did you post the ad or replied to one?

my BP experiences have been they were all pimped out. except one, that was when they were 2 chicks traveling together. But even then, who knows what was up.
Well I (and several ladies from here) post on BP for the same reason I post on here, to advertise. It is just another form of advertising. Not all that advertise on BP are "skanks, pimped out, or bait & switches". However yes probably more so on BP do have pimps. But I am pretty sure that there a plenty here that are also pimped out, some are just not so obvious...then again some are.
LadiesFan's Avatar
BP - Why do you do it ?

Why? For variety, I like all kinds of women. Roxanne advised that she and others advertise on BP, and that not all of the ladies there are skanks etc... it must also be mentioned that not all ladies advertising here on ECCIE are without risk.

It's for the added adventure for me. However, It's a hit and miss type deal. I have walked away after seeing what was behind the door.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
rrrabbit, it's because you don't have Verified Provider status here. We have to go where you advertise.
Texasquest's Avatar
I think for some its the thrill of finding the "Diamond in the Rough"..as for me I will continue to stick with ECCIE..as someone else pointed out it isnt without its own risk..but is definantly a lower risk then BP..
rrrabbit's Avatar
rrrabbit, it's because you don't have Verified Provider status here. We have to go where you advertise. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor

Not even a smiley - how rude !

And yes, not everyone on BP is a skank or batin/switch, and not everyone here is a saint.

My post was not intended to make it appear as though I was taking the extreme left or right viewpoint, but rather asking what the motivation is or what your risk vs gain rationale is when it comes to the not-so-well known BP gal.

And thanks for your inputs (all execpt Thor - lol).
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Not even a smiley - how rude ! Originally Posted by rrrabbit
I'm boycotting them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've said this before and I'll say it again now -- ECCIE is but a small portion of the Austin hobby world. I think there are a ton of gals who have no idea what ECCIE is and even more casual players who could care less.

Though I don't have the hard figures, I'm willing to bet that BP gets a chitload more hits per day than ECCIE does -- especially from unique users. Hell, if you cull out a few of us, myself included nowadays, ECCIE's hit count would be quite low, I'm guessing.

BP, The Chronicle and yes, even CL (to a degree) still get a ton of hits that we don't get here.

And just like we might find good, dependable providers on BP, I'm sure the ladies meet a lot of decent hobbyists there, too.

It's all good... just gotta be careful.

Just sayin ...
Well I agree with almost all the post. Before BP was so stick in the mud about what you could say I mean I could have fancy colors and different texts and flashy symbols my ads were so catchy and you don't know how many guys would come see me because my fun and bold spirit came out in how I did my ads. I understand BP is haveing problems with underage pimping and trafficking but that has nothing to do with how many words or if you can have style or not. Now you can only have 500 characters. Even though I was one of the first girls to buy a manner ad on aspd when eccie came on it took me 3 months to get provider status. Hell Caremell is comeing up with me to Austin and she still doesn't have provider status and shes been trying since before the super bowl when she came to Dallas to visit me. And another reason men may do it cause they know that they can email the girl and get more info email address etc and search her on here anyway under reviews. I advertised on there before because it was fast simple and brought me traffic and guys knew I DID NOT HAVE A PIMP and normally have a few girlfriends that were working with me or traveling with me. SOME girls don't like rules and boudaries so they liked back page and alot of hobbiest LUV GIRLS WITH NO RULES AND BOUNDARIES!.lol This Cajun girl right here has and likes boundaries and also likes freedom so she uses both to advertises.
some of it is because the girls on ECCIE need your real name, address, many provider references, and then they STILL don't accept you as a client. and screening can take several days for whatever reason.

i had a girl ask me for refs, i gave them to her and she said that they weren't good enough refs. so that is why some of us don't really bother with the girls on here. they simply make it too difficult to schedule.

im the type of guy who doesn't feel like going thru an intense screening process on Monday to see a girl on Thursday.