
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
How do you feel about it? Howdo the gentleman who sered pur country? Do you all feel this is a "death cult"?
driller77's Avatar
I work in Iraq and a lot of my friends are Muslim. They are some of the nicest people I know. The media only shows the bad so we automatically think that is what they are all about. My security is Iraqi and Muslim and the wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in anyone they thinks is going to harm me and I am a Black American and former Military. Islam is really a peaceful religion, they are very family oriented and into prayer. The media just makes it looks so bad. No death cult
...The media just makes it looks so bad. ... Originally Posted by driller77
Well, at least he didn't blame the Bush Administration.
O'Mike's Avatar
Check this British guy out, their problems with the religion of peace are probably a predecessor to the ones we will be having here soon. (And yes, I served)
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I work in Iraq and a lot of my friends are Muslim. They are some of the nicest people I know. The media only shows the bad so we automatically think that is what they are all about. My security is Iraqi and Muslim and the wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in anyone they thinks is going to harm me and I am a Black American and former Military. Islam is really a peaceful religion, they are very family oriented and into prayer. The media just makes it looks so bad. No death cult Originally Posted by driller77
Spoken like a true kool-aid drinker.
On its face, it is not supposed to be a religion of evil. At least, not in their eyes. If you read the tenets of old, they are clear that Islam divides the world into the following:

Islam - the one true and correct religion, then there are;

Misbelievers - Specifically, Jews & Catholics, followed by Protestants - they believe in the one true God, but they are "misguided" in how they follow the word and must be corrected, then there is;

Nonbelievers - ones who know no God, they need to be taught.

Unfortunately, there is some debate in their own religion as to how to handle this. The sad part is, extremists are quick to make easy prey of poor kids and get them to drink the evil Islam kool-aid.

Not all Islamists are evil, nor is Islam itself evil. It is the grown tenets and dogma around it that is warped. Depends on where they were educated, how, and how they absorbed their religion. The scary part is, that is becoming the norm, not the exception - that is, the radical aspects are becoming normalized.

The concept of slavery can actually be traced to Islam, as dogmatic interpretation allows them to justify holding slaves (usually non-believers whom they conquered that could not understand and convert to Islam, and as such, they tolerated slaves to have their own religions and be subject to their Muslim rulers because, guess what, "our God is better than your god" mentality reigned).
CarolinaGent's Avatar
The concept of slavery can actually be traced to Islam, as dogmatic interpretation allows them to justify holding slaves (usually non-believers whom they conquered that could not understand and convert to Islam, and as such, they tolerated slaves to have their own religions and be subject to their Muslim rulers because, guess what, "our God is better than your god" mentality reigned). Originally Posted by texasaggie96
There were slaves before Islam.....
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
No country ever converted voulentarily they were all conquered. I fear the UK is next. They already have Sharia courts.
Sarunga's Avatar
How do you feel about it? Howdo the gentleman who sered pur country? Do you all feel this is a "death cult"? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

To categorize ALL ISLAMIC people as a "death cult" is just absurd.

How would you feel, if you were born to Islamic parents?
driller77's Avatar
Spoken like a true kool-aid drinker. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Not a Kool Aid drinker, like I said I work in Iraq and have worked in other Islamic countries and see first hand how the Majority of the Muslim are. From what I see I have nothing bad to say about them. Are all good, no I am not saying that but I know a few Christians who were serial killers. Does that make Christianity a "death cult" No. You can never judge a group of people on the action of a few.
No religious idealogy has the market cornered on the evil people in their ranks. People are responsible for the deeds they do, whether apart or separate of any particular religious ilk or ideology.

Hitler was raised Catholic, his mother was a praticiing Catholic. Surely no one now is questioning whether anyone was drinking Kool Aid when they read back on the evil he produced, even though he wasn't associated with any religious ideology later in life.

Hold those that hate responsible for the harm they do to others, regardless of how, what or where they learned it.

To not do that is to really say something else, but only blame it on the model of religious doctrine. I'm just saying!

And Yes, I Served My country as well!
No religious idealogy has the market cornered on the evil people in their ranks. People are responsible for the deeds they do, whether apart or separate of any particular religious ilk or ideology.

Hitler was raised Catholic, his mother was a praticiing Catholic. Surely no one now is questioning whether anyone was drinking Kool Aid when they read back on the evil he produced, even though he wasn't associated with any religious ideology later in life.

Hold those that hate responsible for the harm they do to others, regardless of how, what or where they learned it.

To not do that is to really say something else, but only blame it on the model of religious doctrine. I'm just saying!

And Yes, I Served My country as well! Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Very well said!!!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just as we have the religious nut jobs here, there are those in Islam.
The biggest difference is that if we stand up to them not much will happen. If they stand up to them they risk all sorts of bad things including death and torture.

It reminds me of the old adage if you are not doing something wrong then you have nothing to worry about; this is as it relates to a person's free will or liberty.
Theocracies are inherently evil in that they remove your free will and can punish you for it.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
The Hadiths on keeping women in the house and the oppression against women is what bothers me. The religion is designed to oppress and abuse women. I'm not saying all Muslims are bad just the ones who follow the Mullahs and not Allah!

I've been to the gulf nations and had no freedom what so ever! I could not even go to the market alone. The "religious police" grabbed a woman and started beating her for showing her hair!

Then youu have Al-Shabab in North Africa that would rather let the people in the villages srve than accept foeign aid. Mind you their families are fed but the villlagers starve to death and are nt allowerd to leave the territory. They have also banned women wearing bras because they are "deceptive". The moral police can stop and feel for a bra anytime. If you are wearing one you will be sent to jail or flogged!

I just don't see any other religion using the words "death to America" the way they do.

You men who served were probaby treated well because you were men and had guns. As for the women, we have no rights at all. It's also a women's rights issue for me I guess. Having seen some of these things first hand I have some isues with it.
driller77's Avatar
The Hadiths on keeping women in the house and the oppression against women is what bothers me. The religion is designed to oppress and abuse women. I'm not saying all Muslims are bad just the ones who follow the Mullahs and not Allah!

I've been to the gulf nations and had no freedom what so ever! I could not even go to the market alone. The "religious police" grabbed a woman and started beating her for showing her hair!

Then youu have Al-Shabab in North Africa that would rather let the people in the villages srve than accept foeign aid. Mind you their families are fed but the villlagers starve to death and are nt allowerd to leave the territory. They have also banned women wearing bras because they are "deceptive". The moral police can stop and feel for a bra anytime. If you are wearing one you will be sent to jail or flogged!

I just don't see any other religion using the words "death to America" the way they do.

You men who served were probaby treated well because you were men and had guns. As for the women, we have no rights at all. It's also a women's rights issue for me I guess. Having seen some of these things first hand I have some isues with it. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
I served but I never served in a Muslim country I work in Iraq for an Oil company. I go to the mall and see none of what you just described. I can't tell any difference from the mall here than the galleria in Houston. Muslim women wearing Make up, tight jeans, some have there hair covered some do not. There are blondes, red heads and all other color dyes. I am in a more liberal part of Iraq but it is still a majority Muslim country. The women work, they drive and I am sure they even were bras. I know this because the beautiful ones I check out every chance I get. I have shook a Muslim woman hands, i have had conversations with them. I even shared a taxi with an older (50's) Muslim woman whom I didn't even know, of course I sat up front with the driver and she in the back seat but we carried on a conversation just as I would have done if I was back home in Houston. Their are liquor stores here, catholic churches (yes there are christian Iraqis) about 9 malls ( 3 huge 6 small) I love working here. The people are friendly and will give you the shirt off their back if you asked for it.