KC Visit? :)

I'm thinking about heading up to KC the first part of October...so if you're interested in meeting, let me know and I'll make plans!

Sweet kisses,
Staci Stacked

Damn KC gets the nod again lol!!! Sorry had to bust your chops a little Staci lmao

Love the photos by the way
I was actually thinking I could stop through Topeka on the way home, or even for the last night of my tour, maybe? Hmmm.... lol
I was actually thinking I could stop through Topeka on the way home, or even for the last night of my tour, maybe? Hmmm.. lol Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
please do I will behave honest I will. opens piggy bank and starts counting change lol
I get paid Oct 3 and am usually in town monday-thursday and until 3 on fridays.
let me know please....
bikebryan's Avatar
Stopping in Topeka would be a great idea. I hate having to drive to KC all the time to see ladies and not enough make their way here to our lovely town! I would certainly be interested!
please do I will behave honest I will. opens piggy bank and starts counting change lol
I get paid Oct 3 and am usually in town monday-thursday and until 3 on fridays.
let me know please.... Originally Posted by Oenghus
I just finalized my plans for next week, making sure that Topeka was included in my travels!
I just finalized my plans for next week, making sure that Topeka was included in my travels! Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
I am officially am in love with you Staci!!!!!

Thank you for including Topeka in your trip!!!!
I am officially am in love with you Staci!!!!!

Thank you for including Topeka in your trip!!!! Originally Posted by Oenghus
Aww, you're too sweet, honey!

You're very welcome!

I am excited to return to Topeka, it's been a long time!
Aww, you're too sweet, honey!

You're very welcome!

I am excited to return to Topeka, it's been a long time! Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
A day and half may not be enough time lol

Topeka guys better not drag their heels about seeing you!!
Staci if ya get a chance to pm me today or tomorrow please do so.I will be coming there too but we may just miss each other...Looks like alot of ladies are visiting but would love to meet ya.I have had a VERY few chances to meet the ladies outside of the computer world.Anyways have a Awsome travel and weekend.
~Exotic Beauty~
Staci if ya get a chance to pm me today or tomorrow please do so.I will be coming there too but we may just miss each other...Looks like alot of ladies are visiting but would love to meet ya.I have had a VERY few chances to meet the ladies outside of the computer world.Anyways have a Awsome travel and weekend.
~Exotic Beauty~ Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty
I'll PM ya honey! I'd love to meet you in "real life" lol
I'll PM ya honey! I'd love to meet you in "real life" lol Originally Posted by Staci Stacked

Hola girlie! I tried to answer pm's and reply to yours from the time I logged off this post to now.....My cell phone Sux Ass! (Not the good suck either Lmao!)

Anywhooooo I pm'd ya and tried to reply to anyone I missed.I was away from all computers but my dagnabbit android and it was dropping calls and the wifi would not work UGH! I just got in a few minutes back from a long day.Hope the pm goes through.

By the way,Sorry if I disturbed this post...NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>

Back to Staci Have a awsome trip and if we get to hook up I wanna shop and eat and do sum goofy girlie stuff which I so miss its been awhile Being on the road solo gets kinda loney singing to myself and all Lmao!
KenMonk's Avatar
EB I would be happy to travel with you... No witty comment, just the offer :P
Back to Staci Have a awsome trip and if we get to hook up I wanna shop and eat and do sum goofy girlie stuff which I so miss its been awhile Being on the road solo gets kinda loney singing to myself and all Lmao! Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty

Hey doll,
I'll be leaving KC by the 4th, so unfortunately it looks like I will miss you on this trip, but hopefully our paths will cross in the near future!

I'm excited to return to KC! It's been a while, and the guys there are a blast!

I know all about singing at the top of your lungs as you travel down a long, seemingly never-ending highway...in doing so I've discovered I have a terrible singing voice, however. lol
