Isabella Sky NCNS

KenMonk's Avatar

Sorry this is long, but I believe its important to be detailed. If anything read the last bits of information highlighted below.

Under normal circumstances I would wait and allow the lady the chance to make it right. However, she had that chance shortly after standing me up and didn’t take it and did so in an almost insulting way.

So I was talking to a buddy from Texas in chat about Kansas City ladies since he will be up here on business in about six weeks. Running through the list of showcases here, on p411 and other sites I ran across Isabella’s a few times, and I have always liked most of her pictures. I remembered never really hearing anything negative regarding Isabella, which I confirmed with my brief research back through her reviews. Since she is on ECCIE and P411 I decided I would start contacting her. Started with text messages and she went right into specials and how she was leaving tomorrow. Not once during this process did she ask me for a reference, for P411 information, or for any board handles. The site never came up, she didn’t ask me a single reference question. Just specials and menu. She told me she was near the airport and I informed her I had to shower and I would be there in about an hour and fifteen minutes, give or take a few minutes, and I would double check and call her from the road.

I called her at 8:03pm and told her I was on the way and would be there in about 30 minutes. She gave me directions and it didn’t sound right to me. I asked her if she was sure it was the exit she told me, she said yes, I knew for a fact there wasn’t an exit with that number anywhere near the airport. She told me it was there and said “I’ll see you soon”. I continued to drive, but knew her directions were incorrect. I sent a text asking again if she was sure about the exit, because I just passed a land mark she described on the phone (trying to not go into too much detail regarding location). After a few messages back and forth she sent me the address, and sure enough she had the exit incorrect and on top of that her directions were terrible without exit information. I told her I was almost there. I called her a few minutes later and informed her that I arrived and here is where it gets fun.

Isabella laughed on the phone and said “well this is going to be an interesting evening”. She explained her “girlfriend” was still with a client and that they had about another 20 minutes left. It sounded as if someone was speaking to her, but I couldn’t tell who it was or what was being said because it was in a whisper. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and I waited. 20 minutes passed and nothing, so I called back no answer. Another 15 minutes passed I called again, nothing and voice mail was full. I sent a text message directly after informing her I called twice and that I was leaving. I left the parking lot and started driving home.

About 12-15 minutes later she calls and I answer the phone. Her exact words were “I’m now ready for you sweetie”. I replied “Its been over 40 minutes, what did you expect me to do I called twice and I already left and I’m about half way home already”. Since I drove about 40 minutes there to see her, and was only about 15 minutes away, I was already thinking of turning around because I assumed she was going to attempt to make it right. Well I was WRONG. She didn’t her exact words back to me were “Okay sweetie, bye”. She then hung up the phone. I continued to drive home disappointed.
So we have learned a lot here.

First, Isabella doesn’t screen at all. She never once asked me a reference question, nor did she attempt to find out anything about me, p411, board handle, how I knew to contact her, nothing.

Second, she doesn’t know how to book appointments, because she had more than enough warning and had several chances to inform me she would be late to our appointment.

Third, she doesn’t care about her reputation, or customer service. She wasn’t rude speaking to me in any way, and I thought she sounded very nice and sweet, but actions speak louder than words.

I posted this here for several reasons, mainly to inform the community, both ladies and gents, regarding Isabella Sky and to proceed with caution, both with reference checks, and booking appointments. She had a chance to make it right, I don’t think I will give her another chance who knows, but… Isabella, feel free to reply here if you wish to dispute anything that happened or want to attempt to make it right. If not, good luck and I wish you the best. I’m only out 20 bucks in gas, and roughly 2 and a half hours of time.
KenMonk's Avatar
Sorry for the smaller print, typed this up from my laptop, and I don't know how to fix it.
She should invest into an Omar
I'm pretty sure that there are bad reviews about her. About have a year ago.
Sweetwilliam's Avatar
Mark another one off the list.
Just'AintNuttin's Avatar
and another one gone, and another one gone, Another one bites the dust!...

Thanks for the heads up Ken. I looked at her several times but never pulled the trigger.
Good lookin out...
Need more posts like this. Well written, thoughtful and informative.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I agree! Great post, Ken..even though I feel your pain. This should be the gold standard of how to post a NCNS.
KenMonk's Avatar
Thank you. I attempted to state just the facts with little to no emotion, and to post it here as to not hide any information. Also wanted to give Isabella the chance to reply so that her side of the story may be given. Its only fair in my opinion.
Isabella Sky is the shit. I've met her a couple of times and left both times satisfied and thinking that she takes her craft very seriously. That said, heer lately, I get the impression that somebody is pulling her strings; pimp, boyfriend, girlfriend. There was one instance when I called her and some dude answered - no need to talk, so I hung up. If you can get her on a good day, you will not be disappointed. In the hobby, we all need to understand that most providers lead complex lives and a little grace and understanding is in order. She said she was ready within a reasonable amount of time in *my* book - better than you would get with A LOT of these girls. Call her and tell her you will give her an awesome review for a little TLC
KenMonk's Avatar
Isabella Sky is the shit. I've met her a couple of times and left both times satisfied and thinking that she takes her craft very seriously. That said, heer lately, I get the impression that somebody is pulling her strings; pimp, boyfriend, girlfriend. There was one instance when I called her and some dude answered - no need to talk, so I hung up. If you can get her on a good day, you will not be disappointed. In the hobby, we all need to understand that most providers lead complex lives and a little grace and understanding is in order. She said she was ready within a reasonable amount of time in *my* book - better than you would get with A LOT of these girls. Call her and tell her you will give her an awesome review for a little TLC Originally Posted by equation

First, she should contact me, not the other way around. Secondly, I contacted her to make an appt for an hour and 15 minutes later, i sent her a text from the road when I was still 30-40 minutes away, and I spoke to her about directions when I was still 10 minutes away. Then when I arrived she stated it would be 20 minutes. From there she didn't return my calls, or text messages. I waited 40 minutes in the parking lot with two unanswered calls and an unanswered text. So you're telling me waiting that length of time is acceptable with no contact? Bullshit... If I kept a lady waiting that long how pissed off would she be? She had every chance you could think of in this situation to make me aware and she didn't.

If she would have contacted me letting me know I would have given her the benefit of the doubt yet again, but she didn't. If she would have shown something on the phone after I left other than ok bye and hung up, I would have never posted this. I would have turned around and saw her. I have never had to wait that long without contact for an appointment.

You WK her AFTER stating lately she's gone down hill and allows others to answer her phone (a pimp no less), but lets hope we can catch her on a good day... if its not a good day, take a day off. I'd rather be told I'm not working tonight i'm taking a day off then to have something like this happen. I would respect a lady more for that and I would at that time set something up for another day.
Chill dude. I can totally see why she would think you might be a cop. Just saying....
KenMonk's Avatar
Chill dude. I can totally see why she would think you might be a cop. Just saying.... Originally Posted by equation

LOL Now thats funny. Not sure where in all of that you pulled out she thought I was LE, or that my post would look anything like that.
Chill dude. I can totally see why she would think you might be a cop. Just saying.... Originally Posted by equation
Yea he's a cop and a pt mod lol that was good comedy
MMMM id pay to see Summer Teeth Omar in an LE uniform!!!