Ready For A Change??

Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
So I have a good friend I have known since high school. He has started training me with a slightly dummied down version of INSANITY....

Which we are increasing each session until it's really is the official INSANITY....

I'm always looking for a partner to keep me accountable and to help push me. He has extremely reasonable rates, one hour x 3 days weekly, at my (your) home to begin and at Chesterfield once strength has started to build.

He has been coming to my home so far and I am absolutely LOVING it!! If you are interested (hobbyist or provider) in doing this with me.... Send me a PM!!

  • Mrzip
  • 05-22-2013, 06:15 PM
I am proud of you. Go girl and don't give up. If Iived closer I would join up.
  • loboy
  • 05-27-2013, 07:54 PM
Good luck to you I'm currently doing p90x/rushfit
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Thanks, guys!! Week two officially done and week 3 starts tomorrow!! I'm seeing a lot of muscle tone, stamina building, and I can't wait to see more inches drop!!
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Good luck to you I'm currently doing p90x/rushfit Originally Posted by loboy
You don't need all that, lol! But.... Since you're doing it.... I have some lingerie I could wash on your new abs
  • loboy
  • 06-06-2013, 06:24 PM
Lol I don't have any abs yet but hopefully I will once I'm finished with my workout
You don't need all that, lol! But.... Since you're doing it.... I have some lingerie I could wash on your new abs Originally Posted by Makayla of Missouri
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Oh Geez.... If ur doing anything even remotely similar to me... Ur gonna have some kick ass abs! Here's a pic of the new "toy" my trainer got.... He Texted me a pic and said "can't wait to meet you!" (speaking as the "toy"). Omfg.... Is he serious?! Lol! I've lost 11 lbs and my thighs are gaining shape... My tummy getting a little smaller.... Yay! I'm loving it!!
Congrats health is important not size so go you
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Thanks, Laura!! Week 4, workout 1 yesterday. He stepped it up on me a notch. I almost couldn't hang! He's not taking it easy on me, that's for sure!! But hey, for $35 a month, to come to my home 3x a week.... I can't beat that!!

Anyone who wants to keep up with my progress, PM me and I will give you my Instagram...

Thanks for everyone's support! I've started my tummy tuck savings account! Can't wait!!
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar

20lbs and counting! I'm fitting in clothes from a year and a half ago, and I can take my shorts off without unbuttoning them!!
You go girl !!
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
So..... I know this is bumping a thread more than 30 days old, but tis the nature of this specific type of post....

Down 25lbs, almost 2 dress sizes! Here is a recent pic....
can't see the pic???
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
can't see the pic??? Originally Posted by cycleguy
Hmmm. .... it's showing on my phone.. ima add one more.....
  • 08-07-2013, 09:04 AM
That's awesome its working for you! I actually did the Insanity workout for a while with my sister and got her into it I thought I was in good shape and that thing kicked my ass. She's still doing the workout and went from over 200 and she's down to like 170 or somewhere in there. Hope you keep having success with it.