Hey ladies, I need some help.

I'm looking for somewhere in Dallas where I can get some nice things to wear for valentines day. For the nice gentlemen who plan to come see me. Any suggestions ladies? ??
pyramider's Avatar
Electric Boutique
Trousseau of Dallas has a coupon on Living Social right now. They carry some great designer lingerie!

Otherwise, you can't go wrong with Frederick's or Victoria's Secret.
  • Gbfsl
  • 02-11-2015, 08:07 PM
If you want to step your game up a notch, Agent Provacateur, in North Park Mall is off the charts!
Thanks everyone for the suggestions
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Yo Kelly, I am no lady;but, from seeing your photos u do not need sexy outfits. WOW. Do not waste your money and why mess with beauty.LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
Electric Boutique Originally Posted by pyramider
also try

pyramider's Avatar
Whatever happened to TaintsWorld?