GDP Just Came Crashing Down

  • oeb11
  • 10-28-2021, 07:34 AM

Source: (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The GDP came crashing down in the third quarter, missing expectations and coming in at just two percent. Economists predicted the number would land at 2.6/2.7 percent.
"In terms of GDP, 2.6 percent's what people were looking for. Not that many months ago we were looking for a number closer to 7 percent. This is a disappointment of two percent. Only up two percent," CNBC reported Thursday morning.
Second quarter GDP numbers came in at 6.7 percent, making Q3 a significant drop.
"The broadest measure of economic performance – grew at a 2% annual rate during the three months through September, the slowest in five quarters, according to an advance estimate released Thursday by the Commerce Department," Fox Business reports.
As inflation on everyday household items continues to soar, the GDP is getting deflated.

Comment - teh destructive DemocratiCommunist party destroys All it Touches
The economy , schools, energy, and rampant violence and racist marxism in America.

Best have the Voter Fraud Bills in order - DemocratiCommunist Liars.

Peoples - Vote on Nov 2022 and 2024!!!
End teh tyranny!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Missing Expectations ,,,,,That's Funny ,,,this IS what some people voted for these Buffoons
... LOWER yer Expectations.

### Salty
To be fair, this inflation, and subsequent slowdown, would have happened under Trump, as well, as the economy rebooted to a more normal pattern. Any economist who thought we'd still be having extraordinary growth needs to go (re-)take some Econ 101 courses.
To be fair, this inflation, and subsequent slowdown, would have happened under Trump, as well, as the economy rebooted to a more normal pattern. Any economist who thought we'd still be having extraordinary growth needs to go (re-)take some Econ 101 courses. Originally Posted by SecretE
.... Some of that is true there, mate. But TRUMP
would NOT have erected a mandate to FORCE unvaxxed
workers from their jobs - nor would He have ended
America's energy independence. A TRUMP Economy
would be much better.

#### Salty
.... Some of that is true there, mate. But TRUMP
would NOT have erected a mandate to FORCE unvaxxed
workers from their jobs - nor would He have ended
America's energy independence. A TRUMP Economy
would be much better.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I, too, would prefer Trump to still be in office v. Biden. However, right now, the highest percentage of people reporting losing jobs due to not complying with a mandate is right around 5%. Could that number rise, as more enforcement takes place...sure. Could it be that some people are anticipating separation from work, due to non-compliance with a mandate, and are reducing their spending, sure. I'm not saying the vaccine mandate is right (I personally don't believe it is for such a vaccine that has only been in use for less than a year), but all of that doesn't yet significantly affect what is going on right now economically, IMHO, especially for econ figures that happened last quarter, when these (then) proposed mandates had little-to-no impact on employment status.

Energy prices are another matter. Higher energy prices generally correlate with a stronger economy...or at least more demand for energy to do things...which obviously we are doing more of now, since most lockdowns have been lifted. Even if we kept Trump's energy policies 100% in place, we'd be seeing higher energy prices out of sheer demand alone.
rexdutchman's Avatar
We're paying OPEC , cancelling pipeline digging etc THATS the cause of higher energy ,,,
Ifin this admin is saying something theys LYING