Biden boasts that women can rely on Uncle Sam instead of a man with Build Back Better

  • oeb11
  • 10-28-2021, 04:27 PM

Barack Obama had the fictional feminist hero Julia. Joe Biden has Linda, the cartoon woman created to illustrate the Build Back Better welfare state he is planning.
© (AP Photo/Cliff Owen) Biden's six-day visit to Ireland overlaps with Trump's weekend trip to his Turnberry golf course in Scotland. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen) At least Linda actually has a face. The differences end there, however, as the "Life of Linda" is as sad, lonely, and loveless as government-dependent Julia's nine years ago.

Like Obama's much-mocked "Life of Julia" cartoons, which were designed to illustrate his cradle-to-grave spending dreams on the campaign trail, the Life of Linda debuted to sell Biden's unnecessary $1.75 trillion "human infrastructure" bill. Despite months of negotiations, the White House only released the text of the bill on Thursday, and even now, Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema haven't committed to supporting it with their crucial 49th and 50th votes. If it fails to pass, then leftists will block any vote on Biden's "hard infrastructure" bill
Naturally, Biden had to appeal to pathos by creating a caricature of an independent woman — a woman who needs no man but depends entirely on Uncle Sam.
The visibly pregnant Linda earns $40,000 annually, or $20 per hour, assuming the standard 2,000 hours of work per year, at a manufacturing facility in Peoria, Illinois. This is a little more than $10,000 short of the city's median salary and just $8 per hour below what constitutes a living wage for a working adult with one child. But like Julia, Linda has a problem: The Life of Linda does not mention the father of her clump of cells.
Even if a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, she evidently still needs daddy government to foot her bills. Thanks to the BBB's proposed child tax credit, Biden boasts, Linda gets a free extra $3,600 annually. The "human infrastructure" bill would also effectively federalize child care so Linda (if a million day care providers suddenly appear out of nowhere to meet demand) need not spend more than 7% of her income on state-sanctioned day care.
Linda's son, Leo, also starts attending universal pre-K by age 3. After high school, Biden bucks will subsidize Leo's community college tuition, even though the College Board has determined that grants and aid already render the average cost to be less than zero. All those subsidies are supposed to propel Leo into a "good-paying, union job as a wind turbine technician."
"Later in life, Linda needs home care and hearing care," the sad saga concludes. "Thanks to President Biden's plan, Linda can access affordable health care through Medicare, and Leo is able to afford at-home elder care for his mom."
The end!
At least Biden spared us Leo's origin story — unlike Julia, who "decided to have a child," as though babies really do come from storks and she ordered one out of a catalog.
The minutiae of Build Back Better includes policies deemed utterly broken by bipartisan economists, such as the obvious supply problem with the child care plan and the inflationary effects of topping trillions on top of trillions in spending at a time when goods and services are scarce. But the Life of Linda is a telling tragedy, one where a woman is "liberated" from the love and support of family and community and instead comes to rely upon the leviathan of the state.
"My body, my choice," but only so long as Uncle Sam is footing the bill. The Build Back Better plan is then best understood not as an investment in families but as a white flag from them — an admission that the dream of the City upon a Hill is well and truly dead.

Comment / Question

How do our distaff poster think about teh fiden ideal for female life under teh DemocratiCommunist party????
Seems Grim - but after all - the party has decided that women do not need men, nor vice - versa. and - teh party knows Best - as do big Bros fiden and Xi!

LGBTQ Rules Uber alles.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ok-- so normally I wouldn't ask this question.. but...

Although this is a political forum.. its on a SHMB--

How many of you gents would willingly step up if you happen to have a whoopsie and impregnate a provider? I'm betting that number is super fucking small, if not non-existent.

I'm not saying I support any of the above, because I don't. But... lets not be in such a hurry to post the 15th article of the day when its more than just a little hypocritical for this particular board.
  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2021, 05:23 AM
My child - My responsibility.
BTW - I have none.

I will try to limit to 12 articles today - perhaps more - or less- successfully.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Because replacing dad with a government check worked out so swimmingly for the black community.
  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2021, 05:38 AM
The welfare system - denied payments to Black families /any dependents with an adult male in the house/home
It destroyed a large portion of black families

Now fiden adn teh DemocratiCommunists seek to destroy White and other family Structure in America with teh same regulations.

DemocratiCommunists hate the family centric Christian oriented structure of America - and seek to replace with a dependence on DemocratiCommunist Big Brother largesse.

See how it impoverished Black societies in the shithole cities that are Democraticommunist party Run.

They seek the same destruction of all family structure in America.

For their own marxist, racist Stalinist Agenda and ideology.

And their own total POWER over the American Peoples!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
rexdutchman's Avatar
Replacing mom, or dad with the guberment isn't that Communism ,,,,

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Replacing mom, or dad with the guberment isn't that Communism ,,,,

Originally Posted by rexdutchman
We all know it’s Jesus’ job, Rex!

Not commanism.

You’ve gotta be DPSTing me!

You and your happy Trumpists hate the gumment telling you what to do, but love that it tells Women what to do.

  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2021, 03:49 AM
yes - YR - it is communism!
Unfortunately - You do not see marxist stalinist communism - a a bad thing for America and its' peoples!
LexusLover's Avatar

How many of you gents would willingly step up if you happen to have a whoopsie and impregnate a provider? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Apparently the number of providers getting pregnant is "low"!

At least not to many advertise they are ...

As for the "politics" ... why does Bitten want to give $450,000 to EVERY illegal alien criminal?
yes - YR - it is communism!
Unfortunately - You do not see marxist stalinist communism - a a bad thing for America and its' peoples! Originally Posted by oeb11
it is communism

from the young pioneers to the hitler youth to the red guard to lebensborn

its been communist control of the youth

and it is a recipe the American Marxists are following in public schools today

read woke baby...they are even coming for the babies

Woke Baby Books Aimed at 'Indoctrinating' Infants. A wave of woke books about racism, same-sex parents, and police brutality can now be found in the children's section of bookstores across America. Some experts say it's a way to indoctrinate kids into a particular ideology. The Daily Mail reports that books such as Antiracist Baby, Daddy & Dada ... (and my words)....and more are training up a hate filled bunch of kids
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No it isn’t. But I admire your top of mind awareness of all them Commie/Nazi programs. Says a lot.

Biden is right, if you consider “men” like Greg Abbott, the real DPST. Then Uncle Sam is better for women than men like Abbott.

Why don’t you come out and say it — read babies the Bible instead. That indoctrination has worked for centuries.

Give that a thought.